No potency again - heat/c02 issues?


Well-Known Member
looks phosphorus it possible you are feeding to much, and locking P out? or maybe not feeding a nute with enough P? are you watering untill you have some run-off? i dont see why other then that a reason for lack of potency...they are good strains. where did you get the beans from?


Well-Known Member
i vetn all day, and do nothing at night...ive sold bag seed for 50-hondo...good shit, so i doubt ventilation would lead to problems you are having.


Well-Known Member
I dunno man, I don't think your plant would be able to survive / produce buds if it weren't getting the right amount of air, right?
Maybe you just aren't waitiing long enough until harvest... don't go by what the website says is the right amount of time, go by what you experience first hand ;)


Active Member
I haven't been going by the website's times, I've flowered some of them for quite a long time, expecting to see some amber trichs but haven't. The website is which is legit I think.

I think two people have talked about water run-off but to tell you the truth I didn't really do that all the time (sometimes though). Is it very important to have a run-off every time you water (within reason)? I thought maybe I could save a little on nutrients if I didn't.


Well-Known Member
run off just ensures you dont get salt build ups, and lets you know whats happening through your soil as it comes out...salt build ups in your soil could very well be the problem...start doing it. doesnt look like your plant is taking in P to me...thats huge.


Active Member
In my experience when my cab is to hOt (100'+F) humid in summer the flower times are ALOT longer.

Let it go about twice as long as they recommend
My chronic went 14 weeks. Lol .but it finally got good trics an was good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Buds looked great. Some hybrids look beaten up near the end and some still have nice green leaves. I don't think you're deficient in anything I just think the plant is feeding off the fan leaves. I didn't read the whole thread but I hope your using a nice balanced fertilizer with a little extra P and if you can afford CO2 that would help also. As for potency, MB you're just not waiting long enough before you harvest or your dry/cure method is off.


Well-Known Member
i know everyone has their own opinions...but after learning almost everything i know from growing off this opinion is that if your giving it the nutrients it needs, and at the correct ppm you shouldnt worry about leaves yellowing at the end of flowering...maybe a lime green at the most, but nothing like yours.


Well-Known Member
if you flush with strait water for 2 weeks...then maybe a bit more yellowing, but i flush at 1/4 strength, and get a lime green appearence, and the smoke is no different tasting then strait water flushing. so a strait water flushing is a waste...after 10-11 weeks of growing why waste the last 2 weeks of essential oil production? pointless if ya ask me...but again that is just my very HO


Active Member
I had crop of straw. diesel end up like that this year. I blamed it on the high temp I had during mid summer. My shit cooked in my tent at 90 degrees for like 4 weeks(my Therm died and read 80 degrees) when I pulled them they were nice and solid, amber hairs, but no trichs. Like they didn't form at all. Shit got ground up (9 oz.) all for hash.
I added a/c and everything is back to normal, nice and frosty, potent!


Active Member
How important is the ph in a soil grow? I've read conflicting information. I know that the water I use is hard - above 7.5, and I already I've tried correcting it with ph down in one of my failed grows but I haven't this time. It's also possible I've been feeding them too much although I did wait until a little way into flowering before giving them bloom nutes (3-5-2). Perhaps I shouldn't have been giving them nutes in every water and perhaps I've been giving them a bit much (not quite the recommended full dosage though).

Since I've been getting all this valuable help I thought I'd post pics of my other 4 flowering plants (which are a few weeks in and have been getting ventilation from the off). In no particular order, there is a skunk #1 (f), a ceres skunk (f), another hashberry (actually a cutting of a mother in one of my failed grows) and I can't remember the fourth right now. One of them got slightly burnt by the light a while back but otherwise as you can see they look quite healthy and green so I really want to get it right this time!



Well-Known Member
never feed with every watering...i knew it looked deficient...and i believe that along with the high PH is whats causing the lack of potency...PH isnt as important in soil...but 7.5 i believe is to high.if you dont have PH down, then just go and buy some lemon juice...i cant tell you the exact ammount per gallon, but i can tell you that at my other house i had a PH about 7.7-7.8, and used 4 drops of the stuff per dropped my PH to about 7, or 6.8...thats where i keep it at now. i got lucky, and moved to a house that had a water PH of ive never had to use it again.


Well-Known Member
i would work on getting your PH right, and then try flushing really good...and get on a feeding schedule where you feed, water, water, feed. allowing the soil to dry out in between of course


Well-Known Member
the middle picture fan leaves also look mag deficient...which can also be explained by high PH...sometimes, since i grow in 32 oz. cups and have a higher PH of 7 i have to supplement with cal/mag


Well-Known Member
i say your plants look good to me and its a matter of hrvesting to early its not done flowering untill you see 50-70% amber trichs and amber hairs,, if its still milky white keep on growing untill it turns amber


Well-Known Member
so...another question. when do you start to count the weeks they've been on 12/12? from the day you switch? or when they actually start flowering? there is a 2 week transition period...give or take a few days, where the plants stretches, and then starts to dont start the count untill after the stretch, and she starts flowering.