no preflowers?


Well-Known Member
Still waiting, Im on day 4 of 12/12. My plants seem to be growing well, but I still have no sign of sex. How long will it take? Ive read here that sex shows around 5 days. OR does this vary by strain? Please let me know what to expect and when to expect it.

At what point is there an issue if I still see nothing?

I am manually switching the lights off from 12-12. (midnight to noon) It may vary by 10-15 minutes due to my schedule..will this fuck things up?

I plan on getting an auto switch in a few days...But do you have to have the dark time exact every day to the minute?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
a couple more days you should see them. and 2 weeks you should see little nugs.

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yea i flowered a week after the first set of true leaves...... i was worried but they all showed and ended up smoking pretty damn welll


Well-Known Member
cool was a little worried. I have let these grow out and get pretty large. It was a bag seed grow, two plants are at about 2 feet and two at 1.5.

I hate the wait. I need more space for the next batch of auto seeds I just got. The main leaves on these babies are HUGE as my hand. Then there is a bunch of smaller secondary growth starting to blow up!

The plants look very indica dominant. Whats the flowering period for dominant indicas? Just a round figure if you can......