No sex indication


Active Member
I had a Big Bud from Sensi Seeds once that never showed sex and just flowered her anyway and ended up being a girl and a hefty harvest. I've also heard this happen to other growers as well, not common but it does happen.

Sam Diegro

Okay. I just wanted to make it official. I probably won't post anymore replies unless anyone is interested in how she turns out. Anybody have a 3D TV or 3D viewing capabilities? Ill take a couple of 3D pics and see if they will let me upload them. They will have .mpo as the extension.


Well-Known Member
at 13 weeks or so old, you should definitely be seeing some signs of sex ime.. i usually start to see either pistils or balls at around 6 / 8 weeks or so from seeds...

preflowers are pretty easy to over look if you don't really know what you're looking for imo..

start at the top of the plant, and count down about four or five nodes, where the branches meet the main stem, and look closely for 2 lil white hairs comong out of the calyx for a female.. the calyx will look like a small lil green v, and out of the top of it will be 2 very small hairs growing from it..
TEENY white hairs, Sam.
I just did my first real plants, and wanted to think I was seeing what everybody was talking about, (like Racer, I think he and Hot Rod both helped me), but I was looking at them right, luckily all 3 of mine were females, but I wasn't sure because my pistils started out green for like the first day and half so these guys hadda put up with me buggin and re asking every few hrs :)

Sam Diegro

Without checking my journal, I'd say finishing second week. I'm really excited!! She is doing so well, I'm a little scared to flush now.

Sam Diegro

Okay, cool. I was just thinking I need to do one. I haven't flushed her yet and don't want a lockout to happen now. I'll just wait til I think she has a week or two before finishing.


Well-Known Member
what your thinking of is leeching the salts out with 3x the medium of plain water... sure, if think the ferts/ soil you used are high in salts and it will cause a lockout then do it, usually plants vegged for over a month could use a leeching. but if u dont think theres anything locking out the nutes salt-wise make sure ur ph is balanced. shouldnt have any problems after that

Sam Diegro

I used RO water, Cal/Mag, H2O2, Advanced Nutes 3part, Voodoo Juice over last two months. I was told I didn't need to bother with pH with the Advanced Nutrients stuff.