NO SUBS almost 6 Months


bud bootlegger
I've tried the once or twice a year get high and let it go deal! Dope sick for days after. Took a few tries and a few years before I said fuck it! Would rather deal with a booze 1 day hangover than a 72 hr withdrawl from oxies. Then of course remember the one week later curse. Then the one month curse. It goes on and on. Your lucky to have it that easy. Be careful though, it'll bite you in the ass when you least expect or want it! Been There Done that. Dozer
i'm lucky enough to know that i can't fuck around like that.. once or twice a year for me ends up with me having a lil chippy, then the lil chippy turns into a full blown addiction and i find myself selling everything i care about, lying to those closest to me and generally feeling like shit about my life and choices..
i hardly even drink alcohol anymore as i know it lowers my inhibition and i'll be off to the races getting a bag of blow, followed by a bag of dope to come down with..


Active Member
i'm lucky enough to know that i can't fuck around like that.. once or twice a year for me ends up with me having a lil chippy, then the lil chippy turns into a full blown addiction and i find myself selling everything i care about, lying to those closest to me and generally feeling like shit about my life and choices..
i hardly even drink alcohol anymore as i know it lowers my inhibition and i'll be off to the races getting a bag of blow, followed by a bag of dope to come down with..
It's the most vicous circle once you indulge daily. The drug companies won't tell you that though they hate us weed growers. Wonder why?


Active Member
it doesn't pass soon........sorry. there will be a hole in you. make friends with it. i used to cry and feel sorry for myself when i got like that. it didn't help, but i'm only human.
Thanks man seems like you know the deal. Any good suggestions for strains during those dark hours?

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Don't know why but, once a month I get bummed out for NO reason! I think I know the reason. Hope it passes soon. Life is really overall good most days. But, some days SUCK!!!!
Don't feel bad, I get like that and I don't take any pills. Just part of being human I guess.


Active Member
Yeah your probably right but, once a month my skin crawls like I have fire ants waiting to bite. Though, it is getting better every month. At least I sleep for more then 3 hours a night now. Could be worse!


Active Member
Calling it a night now but. want to thank all you folks for letting me vent and giving some positive feedback. We are all strangers on line but, still brothers when we all share a common goal! Thanks again. Dozer


Active Member
Thanks cn. And yes I AM now a survivor of those nasty pills. Half my friends are dead or in jail. I'm one of the few who has gotten away from it in my old circle. Don't hang with any of my old buds anymore. Not due to possible relapse, mainly sad seeing them still struggling with opes and dope.


Active Member
Suboxen. A opiate blocker used in treating heroin and opiate addicts. It takes alot of the cravings away. But, it gets you hooked same as doing dope. And the withdrawls are terrible. As well as the side effects.


Well-Known Member
Dozer great to hear you are walking the right path, respect from my end sir its a tough one :)

My parents moved away and did it cold turkey... Completely over it now. About 24 years I think. I`m 22 years old. They even quit cigarettes and booze. Just new page`d life :)

Everything they got was sold, smoked or injected. Heroin, coke, crack and meth. My mom got false teeth when I was 10, I still remember the state of them. I asked my mom recently if she thinks it 'rapes your soul' and she said absolutely not, you get over it. Everyone gets sad once a month I`m sure. Comparing it to the bliss those drugs can deliver is inevitable, I wish everyone going through this willpower. Think in the long term!

My experience of having parents like this is properly awesome. The bond is incredible, smoking joints while going diving, taking the occasional psychedelic trip together, going on nature walks... I re-introduced them to the better drugs out there. Blam blam knocking out dopamine with narcotics sucks plain old like a super ancient arcade game or something :)

The saddest thing from my end is to think that my parents could of died in a smackhouse, with nothing but a headbuzz to recall... Now they have sons that love them unconditionally. I remember hitting people in secondary-high school for saying something like 'son of a bitch'. What are you saying about my mom? Ur fucking dead mate... fucking dead after class mate (inbetween friends of course) :D

Dozer your way through this man!! 6 months sets up a sturdy foundation for your success. Well done bro! :)

cary schellie

Active Member
dozer did u ween off or just quit? Were you on like 8mg twice a day? Im curious to know the details, How was the first week, dope sick feeling?


Active Member
dozer did u ween off or just quit? Were you on like 8mg twice a day? Im curious to know the details, How was the first week, dope sick feeling?
8mg per day. Every 10 days cut back 2mg per day for 10 days. Would withdraw the next day then be fine with the lower dose for the next 9 days. Got it down to 1 strip lasting me a week. It was still hell! Thought it wouldn't be that hard at the end but, was wrong. The worst withdrawls were over in a week. But, it was one rough month. Well worth it now. Life is pretty good now.


Well-Known Member
subs are horrible, i hated having orange vomit dissolve under my tongue.

thinking of the taste now even makes my stomach turn.
lol yea they are nasty as shit.I don't know why the scientists gave them that nasty ass taste,do they actually think they taste good?

Anyway subs work great if you can taper them down but I know a couple people hooked on them pretty bad.But it's nice to hear you're doing good OP keep it up.

I think the insomnia,cold night sweats and them damn restless legs are the worst part of withdrawal,Im not that bad so I don't shit and puke everywhere lol.
I haven't touched an opiate in a little bit but im going in today lol,Just grabbed a couple 30's and waiting on the lean to get around.I don't really like taking opiates in the summer,they make me to hot,there great in the winter though...........I can be perked up walking around in a beater when it's snowing out lol.


Active Member
Still dragging at times but, it get's better every month. And now I can hammer the old lady in bed again! lol She hated the subs worse then me. The worst side effect for me was it killed my dick!


Well-Known Member
Killing of the dick would have been enough for me to quit. How old is Dozer in that pic? What does Dozer weigh?

Hello to you, too, Stillbuzzin!!