No-till top dress recommendations?

Thanks for the response greasemonkeymann! So all you ever add is compost? If you don't mind me asking, whats in your special compost/ how is it different then most?
you can check out the thread, it's really not a ground-breaking concept, it's just different then most.
essentially I get leaves, grass, and amendments and compost them all together to make pure fresh humus that's loaded with nutrients already cycled and ready.
couple all that with the insane amounts of microbial diversity and worms and it's the simplest most effective way I've ever grown.
and the results are better than anything I've tried.

the other cool thing is you can x-out any peat or coco from your mixes too, no more worrying about ph and such.
comfrey and nettle is my fav veg ferment. Imo is super easy just need some very lush vegetation smaller moss covered trees or a bamboo patch I will link a video that i watched years ago and use the methods from.
here is a link with a good recipe for any fermented plant leaves.

Hi D port Growth! Do you think its necessary to PH Fermented Plant Extracts for foliars or drenches?

I made an FPE out of kelp meal, and after I diluted it, the ph was around 5. I thought about bringing it up closer to 6, but I decided to just give it a go at 5.
Hi D port Growth! Do you think its necessary to PH Fermented Plant Extracts for foliars or drenches?

I made an FPE out of kelp meal, and after I diluted it, the ph was around 5. I thought about bringing it up closer to 6, but I decided to just give it a go at 5.
nah man, almost ALL organic nutrients are acidic in nature.
if you have a healthy plant/substrate it'll regulate the ph on its own via root exudates
Is that true when applying foliar sprays too?
I would assume so, yea
well the first part is, obviously the root exudates aren't going to do much for a foliar spray.
I don't use foliars though
in my mind I don't see a purpose for them, the soil has all the nutrients in it, and foliar sprays don't even come close to giving the plant what it needs, so I just build the soil and the plant takes and uses anything it wants from it
I would assume so, yea
well the first part is, obviously the root exudates aren't going to do much for a foliar spray.
Yep, microorganisms populate plant surfaces, and actually are fed plant exudates there too. So if a nurturing kind of microorganism is decimated by some bad influence, the plant can put out those exudates to promote the recovery of that kind.
So yes! there will also be protection similar to that of the root zone on plant surfaces overground, if more fragile due to greater exposure and smaller masses, provided the microbial life is complete and diverse enough.