No Trellis. No stakes. How can I support plants?


Well-Known Member
Ive let my plants get too big and have no way of moving them out of my way enough to build a trellis for this run. This is my first run in a few years and am just trying to get things dialed in this go around and find which strains im going to keep. Made a few noob/lazy mistakes that will be fixed next run but for the time being i am trying to come up with the best way to support the buds when they start forming and to just support the plants in general in case any feel like falling over. Im week 1 of flower right now so i still have a week or two to figure it out. Im in coco in number 3 pots if anyone wants to know. Thanks for any advice in advance
Just buy some bamboo stakes, you can get them in various lengths, dollar store or online. I bought a bunch like 50 for about $20 delivered to my door through alibaba.
What are you growing in dude? If your in a tent just get some string and tie them to the frame of the tent.
Stakes and string. Could put four stakes along edges, try making a little fence with string. Been there, done that. You can make it work.