No Trichomes on inside of Buds?


i have a question about trichs and big buds. I have two really big colas. probably about the size of a can of spraypaint. definitely as fat as a can of spraypaint. i have trichs forming pretty nice on the outside of the buds. i am in the 8th week of flower. the other day i wanted to see what the middle of the big colas looked like so i gently stuck my thumb in and spread it open.

the inside is very lime(lite green) while the outside of the buds are darker green. you can see the difference in color like night and day. another thing i noticed is that there werent as many...if any trichomes on the inside. is this normal for larger colas? i did notice how strong the smell was when i split it open tho. OMG the inside of those big buds will knock you down with their smell. may be the strongest ive ever smelled. hopefully i can maintain this smell thru cure.

so is it normal? thanks.

bagseed, 8th week of flower, 400w hps with some floros on the sides. plant is 4 ft tall, feeding a bloombooster for orchids 11-35-15

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Those poor plants look like they've been through hell. These plants are suffering from root damage. I would like to say that this is a weed and it doesn't need alot of fertilizer. Another reason the buds are like this is because of a lack of proper lighting and possibly the lack of fresh air. I DON'T rely on me to make sure my plants get watered because I have found that timers, float switches and valves can get it done better than me. When I'm dealing with a potted plant(probable the most troublesome) I get a five gallon bucket, and a cold and hot water electric intake water valve from an old washing machine. I hang the bucket and siffen the water through the hose and valve until flow is established. I use two cheap timers ganged together to create an every three day watering cycle. Then I just need to make sure the bucket has water. This valve because it was designed to work under high pressure produces only a trickle under these conditions and will depense about a gallon of water every half hour when activated by the timer. I refer to this time period because cheap timers can only be set for a minimum of 1/2 hour. I use slow release fertilizer pellets when I use dirt so I only have to worry about PH. Make sure the plantpot has good drainage and you will need a catch basin to collect the water that went through the plantpot. You should put an air bubbler in your bucket of water, or whatever container you might choose to use.


no i didnt rip the fan leaves off. they started falling off a while back and finally all fell off a couple weeks ago. given the situation, this plant looks great compared to when i got it. it was gifted to me and started as an outside plant with no nutes...just growing from bagseed in a yard. i put it in good soil, water it regularly and its under 400w hps so my light is plenty sufficient. but my question was about the trichomes not being as abundent on the indside of the large buds. can anyone help me with my it normal?


Active Member
i am wondering the same thing youngbux. My nugs aren't spraypaint sized tho, more like red bull lol. But I had to take one off due to rot and opened the inside. it had about half as many trich's and they were all clear. So my thoughts are that it's normal and its just new growth occurring but don't take my word on that!


Well-Known Member
its normal when your plants look that fucked, why are you feeding this late in flower? and feeding it orchid food? you know that stuff is meant for use with a plant that is not for human consumption?
but on another note, trichs don't always form fully on the inside of the buds, theyre functions are a primitive ultraviolet "sunblock" if you will, and an aid in catching pollen. so since the center of the bud neither receives much sunlight or pollen you can expect the trich levels to be minimum, I'd also say its strain dependent.


mistaphuck, i know the plant isnt the best. i never claimed that. but it smells good and smokes good cuz ive already pulled a couple popcorn buds just to try. the reason i was still feeding is because the buds are still growing and all ive heard is stop feeding two weeks before flower and go water only and thats what i plan to do. i just fed what i think to be my last feeding today. i just picked up a jewelers loupe and the trichs are mostly milky at this point. im a heady type of guy so im going to go ahead and harvest within two weeks. thanks for the trich info, that makes sense if they are a uv proctector/pollen collector.


oh and and the rate these things are growing, i thought they might flower up until 12 weeks so i dont see how the 8th week is that far into flower.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
oh and and the rate these things are growing, i thought they might flower up until 12 weeks so i dont see how the 8th week is that far into flower.
sort of what i was thinking. they definately have quite a ways to go so i wouldn't worry too much about the inner trichs at this point in the game. they have clearly been through some shit but you can only do what you can do. on a side note they do look like they have some moisture stress. i can't tell if it's under or over watering, but i'm thinking maybe a combo of both. either way i don't think you need to panic just yet. considering they weren't ass-kiss pampered from seed i don't think they look so bad.


Active Member
If you want the head high and not couch lock you should be harvesting now when the trichs are clear to cloudy when they turn amberit will be couch lock weed lol but hey thats what i like


Well-Known Member
Those poor plants look like they've been through hell. These plants are suffering from root damage. I would like to say that this is a weed and it doesn't need alot of fertilizer. Another reason the buds are like this is because of a lack of proper lighting and possibly the lack of fresh air. I DON'T rely on me to make sure my plants get watered because I have found that timers, float switches and valves can get it done better than me. When I'm dealing with a potted plant(probable the most troublesome) I get a five gallon bucket, and a cold and hot water electric intake water valve from an old washing machine. I hang the bucket and siffen the water through the hose and valve until flow is established. I use two cheap timers ganged together to create an every three day watering cycle. Then I just need to make sure the bucket has water. This valve because it was designed to work under high pressure produces only a trickle under these conditions and will depense about a gallon of water every half hour when activated by the timer. I refer to this time period because cheap timers can only be set for a minimum of 1/2 hour. I use slow release fertilizer pellets when I use dirt so I only have to worry about PH. Make sure the plantpot has good drainage and you will need a catch basin to collect the water that went through the plantpot. You should put an air bubbler in your bucket of water, or whatever container you might choose to use.

About those slow release fertilzer pellets, i wouldnt use them atall. When you flush the plant in the last week or 2 it still feeds itself nutes and ruins the taste.....


i wouldnt complain about the couch lock either.;-) and thanks totalhead. im not sure what is wrong with the plants...maybe heat in that closet, but i have the plant far enough away that there is no burning on the leaves, but its probably about 80 or so in that closet. i know there is no water stress...because i keep the soil moist. the top inch will dry and everything lower is moist(not wet) and i water again. it has never dried out, nor has it been over watered. probably a little root bound at this point as i didnt have a 5 gal to put it in when i got it. its an ugly as plant, but smells funky as shit. lol