No vertical grow ??

This is my 4th grow first 3 was a sucsess,this time im having problems my plants look like they stopped growing vertical up,they stop at bout 2 r 3 inches with top leaves curling up to light.I cant figure out what this problem is,this is the 3rtd time on this grow iv started over and getting same results.For fist two weeks i only give a little water as nuts are in soil and the problem seems to happen after 2 weeks no growth,when i give nuts after 2 weeks its very little so its not nut burn either Help.Soil is All mix bio bizz,seeds Auto Crital Kush and growing indoors grow box approx 100cmx100cmx60cm coved with mylar.Top is not covered and light is 125 watt Cfl 6500k grow light.i have a osalting fan also for fresh air.I had same problem when i changed seeds and tried with easyryder.I have 2 more 250 watt cfls for when they start to flower so i have plenty of luments for just 2 autoflowers at time.Any advice of to what is happing im cracking up and thinking of packing it in.Ill attach pics gives better idea as to what they look like cheers.DSC00469 (1).jpgDSC00489.jpgDSC00469 (1).jpgDSC00489.jpg



Well-Known Member
there auto's.. so there schedules on growing are on there terms.. unlike a photo plant they go by age before they start budding.. a photo you turn the lights down on them and they flower.. how long are the light's on? auto's like a lot of light even for flowering, it just might be the breed this time. did you change breeds? also i seen the tops of your babies reaching for the sky so there doing ok.. no worries they will take off, maybe there rooting instead of shooting up, but there looking up so grow on my brother..
Yes my fiend there autos ten weeks life approx but my problem is iv let them go into 4 weeks and they look same no vertical growth,buy this stage they should be into maybe ill leave them see what way they turn out.the bottom pic is two weeks old so i hope if i leave them they might catch on and grow.. oh lights are on 20 on 4 off,thanks for your input
Any body else with idea as previous poster had good explaination the pots are very big for autos and maybe they are rooting,thus energy is not going into plant growth??


Well-Known Member
I have no experiences with autos, but the first thing I'd suspect is over watering an earlier stage and drying out after that and it's pretty much recovered now. Looking at its size it's not properly rooted. If you do pack it in (not suggesting you do), take a good look at the roots.

Is the temp ok inside the box?
i dont have a thermometer inside box but im guessing its not cold in there it feels warm enough,as to over watering i dont water till soil is nearly dry so im guessing its still rooting,ill just keep going and in two more weeks i should no more as in by the way plant is looking,its smelling alrealdy at only 2 half weeks old?

diet coke

Active Member
they look healthy, but only look to be 10 days old or so. Autos at 4 weeks should be about a foot tall in those containers and starting to stretch. I have one auto that will only grow to 16 inches at full maturity.