No work watering


Well-Known Member
hey guys, im setting up my grow box and its looking pretty nice but im wondering if there is any way to set up a watering system (im using soil)that maybe has a water holding tank of a gallon or so and has a slow drip so that i can leave it unchecked for days at a time. thanks


Well-Known Member
you can leave soil unchecked for days at a time when you get to bigger pots. you should check your trees regularly though. some things come on so quick you will need all the time to correct it.


Active Member
Case in point, I called my daughter to check my temps in my greenhouse today cause I just lit up the 400W HPS this morning....97 degrees!!! Can you say unplug everything NOW please! Will have to make some adjustments when I get home from work.


Well-Known Member
Even if you can automate watering, I think the others are telling you that plants this important and expensive need daily tending. I'm not a nurturing dude, so this has been a drain on me, but I'm hoping the reward is worth it.