Nobody Should Do Illegal "Drugs", There Are Plenty Of Legal Things

i tell the kids "call the authorities,if im going to jail,im.gonna make it worth it..better hope they hurry!" or
"call em..IF you make it to the phone.."
damn bleeding heart fucks have ruined the country,allowing shits like nut-baggy here to think theyre contributing to life by just being born.."youre special.." isnt a motto for life...
no its a nice way to say " youre retarted"
People need to look the their ripple effect. The entire ripple. If you talk shit think about the consequence, if you purchase something, thing about every resource your depleting and who you are paying. Hold that door for the elderly and that elderly person will likely have a bigger smile, maybe help someone else and so on.

Our society is run by jerks fucking over jerks.