Noco Growers Jamborweed 2014


Well-Known Member
Hello Northern Colorado growers,

I would like to host a "jamborweed" at my house in Northern Colorado.

A jamboree, or jamborweed as I am dubbing it, is a gathering of like minds to celebrate. In light of this I want to make it clear from the beginning there will be no competition, no prizes given, no monetary validation what so ever.

There will be a great opportunity to meet other growers in the area, to network with them, and to form friendships through one of my favorite things, marijuana.

Everyone attending should bring a small sample with them, kind of like a pot luck feast. This will ensure a good time and that everyone leaves happy.

Beer will be provided while supplies last.

This event is 21+.

The Northern Colorado Growers Jamborweed 2014 will be held on Saturday, December 6. Starting time around 7 pm and will go until 1 am.

Please remember that I am holding this as a private event at my private residence and respect to myself as well as all attendees is expected.

As soon as I receive an rsvp as well as a guest head count from everyone interested I will pm that user my address.

Thanks to everyone and I hope to make this a kickass enough jamborweed that another one will have to be held!
@SnapsProvolone I am in south fort collins. Of course southerners are welcome! I guess I just assumed nobody would want to make the drive but you know what they say about assuming! Ill pm you the address.
if @SnapsProvolone is going, he can drop by my place and pick up a sample of my king chem. my last batch of pineapple express didn't come out as good as the one before, but i'll send some of that up as well.

but i don't do social gatherings, so you'll just have to enjoy the free weed.