Noisy Air Pump - HELP PLEASE!

use a bungie cord and suspend in mid air.
I have one, they are usually mounted upside down to take advantage of the bumper plate.
The hanging is what i do for my noisy stuff
But even when I hold it in my hand I still hear noise. I feel like it's not a vibration but the frequency of the sound, that is vibrating the floors creating the hum.
I've kept fish tanks for years and had lots of noisy ass pumps. I wrap them in wash cloths then wrap a rubber band around the whole mess to hold if on. Some pumps need to breathe like mine so wash cloths work great
If you can get some speaker foam,or a cheaper option that works just has well ,egg boxe's make a box that the compressor fits in and just make sure it has a vent cover at the top,so any heat from it can rise and go out the vent,I use a fairly large compressor,and to be honest and i have no problem's,sometimes you will hear it but its easy sorted with a towel under it,most of the time if you can cushion it with a towel or foam the noise will go.If you use it to put air into a tank like i do i have found to have the air stone hanging mid water so its not touching the sides or bottom this helps with noise too,little things like that can make a big difference.
But it's not the sound of the pump vibrating on the floor that I'm hearing. It seems like it's the frequency of the sound that's just penetrating. I say this because holding it in my hand doesn't change it at all.
If people downstairs are complaining then vibrations are going through the building and you need to decouple the pump from the floor to fix the issue. There are several ways of doing this including:

1. Neoprene foam sheet under the pump.
2. Suspend the pump in the air. You can use bungees but plain old rope also works. I suspended a water chiller from the ceiling using rope and it made a dramatic difference.

If you have an issue with noise inside your room (in contrast to noise downstairs) then you'd need to pack insulation around the pump to stop sound waves penetrating out into the room... or buy a quieter pump!
What kind of insulation would you reccondbd? I tried to use a foam mattress pad but it did absolutely nothing.
If people downstairs are complaining then vibrations are going through the building and you need to decouple the pump from the floor to fix the issue. There are several ways of doing this including:

1. Neoprene foam sheet under the pump.
2. Suspend the pump in the air. You can use bungees but plain old rope also works. I suspended a water chiller from the ceiling using rope and it made a dramatic difference.

If you have an issue with noise inside your room (in contrast to noise downstairs) then you'd need to pack insulation around the pump to stop sound waves penetrating out into the room... or buy a quieter pump!

And yes, I hear the noise in my room as well.
But even when I hold it in my hand I still hear noise. I feel like it's not a vibration but the frequency of the sound, that is vibrating the floors creating the hum.

" sounds" like you know a little bit about soundwaves :)

Sit there and hold it for 24 hours , see if they complain.
Just messing with you, the hum travels within the vibration wave. Your body Does a good job of absorbing the vibration :)

As mentioned and confirmed, suspend it.
Be Mindful of what you use to suspend, the vibration will climb it.

Realizing the seriousness of the issue,with about an hours work you can make it silent.
Ash, don't like sound like a broken record but read my post again and consider to fix the core problem and get the super silent models I mentioned those are soundless so you can live like a happy camper,,at least go to the aquarium shops and window shop see the prices and hold the pumps in your hand...if you need many outlets get many of those pumps RATHER than buying 1 pump with many outlets...ALL even a bit bigger pumps with many outlets are NOICY no matter what they call them like whisper xxx3000 what ever
big pump big noise small pumps even you have 20 of them are still silent...the brands and models I mentioned are silent the one I have is the SERA AIR 550r plus and I have 4 of them so I have 16 outlets all together..and tried different ways and 0 sound when they are on the air filter fabric,,you have a big peace and fold it to get big thick cushion ,each of my pumps are on a cushion like that the air filter fabric is made to breath ,,,,so anything what does't breath like it on the maximum scale and is soft will hinder the breath of air pump and make it noisier and hot etc.
Just messing with you, the hum travels within the vibration wave. Your body Does a good job of absorbing the vibration :)

As mentioned and confirmed, suspend it.
Be Mindful of what you use to suspend, the vibration will climb it.

Realizing the seriousness of the issue,with about an hours work you can make it silent.
All good, man!

I have some thoughts!
So fiddling around a bit and having the people underneath me listen to the noise while I experiment, this is what I've learned.

When I unplug the airline tubes out of the pump, the humming noise that they are hearing goes away. When i put the tubes back in they hear it. I'm left to assume perhaps the noise is coming from the vibration of the aorstones?

Thoughts anyone?