Non-DOT 5 panel testing pre-employment

rachel m

I am 19 years old, female, 5'2, and weigh around 107-110 pounds. I am a infrequent smoker but by my own mistake decided to smoke 2-3 hits Saturday before I got a call for an interview. So turns out without hesitation the employer instantly hired me and sent me to do a drug test at fastmed by Tuesday. I was told because I'm an infrequent smoker the detox drink would work haven't smoked in the meantime since Saturday and don't plan to incase of a retest. My question is has this worked for anyone needing to pass a drug test? The brand was jet detox 30 minute cleanser, it's was a Non-DOT test 5 panel and I took a home test before going in it came out negative. It's been 2 days since I took the test any information on how long it takes for them to call back?

Any info would be much appreciated needing to put my mind at ease.
Cranberry juice and a lot of water I've been in the same situation before with random's. You have to dilute your urine. Also I would advertise my gender in reffrence to a post about pee lol
Lol true but I've already taken the drug test it's just a matter if waiting now. More afraid it will come out diluted over everything seeing as how I chugged a Gatorade before going in haha but we will see still skeptical on the detox drink but I heard it works when you hardly smoke
I seen
You're probably fine then.
it only takes 1-3 days to be untraceable but I didn't want to take that risk for a preemployment test just hoping because it's possible it was diluted that they don't mark it as a fail I've heard that most of the time that's what they will do or send you back later without notice to retest depending on the employer... Anyone know how long it may be for a call back worthier you pass or failed? I've seen if you fail they will call you but they are not required to do so.
Lol yeah I guess so, I'm in the hospitality industry along with college courses online trust me it's never fun or easy haha
Lol yeah I guess so, I'm in the hospitality industry along with college courses online trust me it's never fun or easy haha
Lol they test for hospitality where you are?.. I served food for a bit and bartended at high end places. It was just kind of expected you did drugs lol.. now I run a plumbing company, much easier working for yourself
Lol they test for hospitality where you are?.. I served food for a bit and bartended at high end places. It was just kind of expected you did drugs lol.. now I run a plumbing company, much easier working for yourself
Apparently so lol I'm in Arizona I've had hospitality jobs before as front desk mostly lower chains so I was building experience for a higher paying position but this is the first time I've been tested.
So got a call from the lab the said I didn't fail but they were unable to test it I'm guessing it was diluted anyone know what happens next? They just asked me a few questions said it went back to the employer as canceled ....should I try getting ahold of the employer for further instructions?
Is it possible I am able to retake the test and come out clean this time without the drink? I'm planning to take another home test see if I come out negative but just thought I'd ask maybe someone else knows if I will be clean or not
So took the retest yesterday I haven't smoked in 9 days would you say my chances of falling under the 50ng are good to go? It was only 2 hits I'd doubt it takes that long to drop below 50 ng since I hardly ever smoke and if I do it's literally one hit still nervous about it though