Non-DOT 5 panel testing pre-employment

I am 19 years old, female, 5'2, and weigh around 107-110 pounds. I am a infrequent smoker but by my own mistake decided to smoke 2-3 hits Saturday before I got a call for an interview. So turns out without hesitation the employer instantly hired me and sent me to do a drug test at fastmed by Tuesday. I was told because I'm an infrequent smoker the detox drink would work haven't smoked in the meantime since Saturday and don't plan to incase of a retest. My question is has this worked for anyone needing to pass a drug test? The brand was jet detox 30 minute cleanser, it's was a Non-DOT test 5 panel and I took a home test before going in it came out negative. It's been 2 days since I took the test any information on how long it takes for them to call back?

Any info would be much appreciated needing to put my mind at ease.

you agreed to take a drugs test did you agree not to intake hemp ?

If anyone asks you drink strong hop`s tea, or say "I`m a stoner you wanna fucking hire me or not ?"

Few years ago gay people where in the same boat most places in the world as you are now
Lol oh how I wish it were that easy haha unfortunately here it's only legal for medicinal use, I wish az had recreational use already but knowing most companies would still treat it the same finding ways around its usuage any way but I agree fully we should treat it the same as alcohol as long as it's not on the job
So got a call today.... I passed! no synthetic or dilution so for infrequent smokers 9 days should be enough for 2-3 hits to drop below 50 ng. ☺️
Don't anyone EVER rely on the above information!
Each persons systems run differently!
Some process slower, some fast.

I passed 10 panels every time by simply using a masking agent! Drink a cup of GOLDEN SEAL tea (available at healthfood stores or on line) and then keep on drinking water till your pee runs clear. Drink another cup of tea and a Monster (green) at least 30 min before the test. This will add color back and add the creatine (or what ever) that one of the panels looks for to see if your cheating.....Like I said, passed them every time 2-3 times a year for various reasons...
Don't anyone EVER rely on the above information!
Each persons systems run differently!
Some process slower, some fast.

I passed 10 panels every time by simply using a masking agent! Drink a cup of GOLDEN SEAL tea (available at healthfood stores or on line) and then keep on drinking water till your pee runs clear. Drink another cup of tea and a Monster (green) at least 30 min before the test. This will add color back and add the creatine (or what ever) that one of the panels looks for to see if your cheating.....Like I said, passed them every time 2-3 times a year for various reasons...
Ok of my own personal experience with drug tests I can honestly say for someone who hardly ever smokes (infrequent user) that 2 weeks tops you'd be under 50 ng with only 2-3 hits regardless of body type and build I feel that you are just trying to promote this brand when I can say they don't really do much but dilute the hell out of your system causing you to retest any way if you even get a retest some companies won't be so considerate but please don't tell others to disregard something that may pertain to their own circumstance your just making people even more nervous than they should be so they rush out and buy this magical tea of seriously come on now dude
Ok of my own personal experience with drug tests I can honestly say for someone who hardly ever smokes (infrequent user) that 2 weeks tops you'd be under 50 ng with only 2-3 hits regardless of body type and build I feel that you are just trying to promote this brand when I can say they don't really do much but dilute the hell out of your system causing you to retest any way if you even get a retest some companies won't be so considerate but please don't tell others to disregard something that may pertain to their own circumstance your just making people even more nervous than they should be so they rush out and buy this magical tea of seriously come on now dude

Really? The minute you say something like that, totally disregarding bodily process differences, along with other factors also. Tells me that your guessing by logic. The differing factors in things like; How much inhaled, how deeply, the potency of the weed, body size, body type, Body fat % and may other factors determine the time required to go below 50ng on a per person basis.

I like that your trying to help young lady but, I'm afraid your wrong on this one...

By your age, size, and weight. I can tell your system works faster, has less places to store residual THC and your most likely more active then many people on this site. That all translates to faster removal from your system......

So then, making such a broad statement is patently going to prove wrong for others!
Ok of my own personal experience with drug tests I can honestly say for someone who hardly ever smokes (infrequent user) that 2 weeks tops you'd be under 50 ng with only 2-3 hits regardless of body type and build I feel that you are just trying to promote this brand when I can say they don't really do much but dilute the hell out of your system causing you to retest any way if you even get a retest some companies won't be so considerate but please don't tell others to disregard something that may pertain to their own circumstance your just making people even more nervous than they should be so they rush out and buy this magical tea of seriously come on now dude
I can tell from experience as I was a urinalysis coordinator up until 2012 for the military some more advanced test can detect masking agents. Time, water water water and running can clean you out. You are however wrong on the statement of body type doesn't matter as thc is stored in fat thus running I prefer HIIT or high intensity interval running to rid yourself of said thc. Some might call bs on detecting masking agents but I've unfortunately had to kick folks for using them if the lab comes back and detected them no retest you get the boot. Your lucky you were able to do a retest and I'm happy you passed.
I can tell from experience as I was a urinalysis coordinator up until 2012 for the military some more advanced test can detect masking agents. Time, water water water and running can clean you out. You are however wrong on the statement of body type doesn't matter as thc is stored in fat thus running I prefer HIIT or high intensity interval running to rid yourself of said thc. Some might call bs on detecting masking agents but I've unfortunately had to kick folks for using them if the lab comes back and detected them no retest you get the boot. Your lucky you were able to do a retest and I'm happy you passed.

In higher level tests - They do test for masking agents and also cross reference by by testing for high levels of and/or low levels of other compounds found in urine! (Tells them a masking agent was used and you have to re-test by a way you can't beat OR it's a flat out fail!

Beating those can be a challenge, if not down right impossible....I feel completely safe in my ways to beat an 8 panel. I have beat 10 panels BUT,,,I'm not exactly secure in feeling I could do that every time...

I don't think I would want to have to take your test hooda!