None Of This Is Real


Well-Known Member
Everything you experience is just an interpretation of sense data analyzed by the brain and then presented to your consciousness as experience. You are purely consciousness. You are awareness. None of this is real. Our thoughts aren't real, or right. When our consciousness identifies with our thoughts, we form belief structures. This is our ego. We all have one. This is what makes you feel like you're different from me. Your ego is a liar. Your ego is "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." The ego is not real. Your ego is the devil. This is the true deceiver. The purpose of life is to realize this. This is not real. This is just a game. It is a dance. Shakespeare knew this. "All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances." Stop taking yourself so seriously. Enjoy this life. Live and Love.


Well-Known Member
Just a little testament. A friend of mine who was a coke dealer. ended up getting in a bad way. got divorced went bankrupt had to move out of the city to our small town where his parents are from. He lived here 1-2 years and in the last few months picked up the book and movie the secret which is basically tools to use the laws of attraction. Within the year he has his very own buisness, bought a condo, and on and on. like 100 percent turn around. He credits his reading the secret and laws of attraction to his new well being.

He says it str8 out. We ourselves attract everything in our lives one way or another good and bad. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yes the world is a stage, but even on a stage there are curtains separating front/back/sides. Sometimes it even blocks the view of the stage itself. I'm here I just have yet to take the stage. others are setting the scene aware of my upcoming arrival.

How well did I perform? and could I have done better? I think if you hold these ideas in your life those questions don't apply. Because simply put the answers would be I perfomed my Best therefore I could not have done any better. I/We always learning/practicing so in that respect those answers never change therefore those questions don't apply.

Maybe How well Am I performing? How can i do better? that's where the learning comes in. Weird rant for me but it just came out that way. :mrgreen: