I actually need to get a few things including a tape measure to get exact measurements. Are you using a MH or CFL's? You can see in the pic or atleast get an idea of how far the light is away.I planted mine last batch the around the same time, I did 3 on 10/3 and 3 more 10/4. I think they would be about the same height (under a few 23w CFLs), except I left out about an inch of soil from the cup and buried some of the stretch after they started getting tall.
How close is your light? I'm at about 4 inches, and around 80f in the tent. Not saying I'm doing it right lol, my first try from seed, but they seem very green and happy and all have their first set of 3 blade leaves...
That re-veg looks interesting too, I tried once but got bored and gave up haha
I like to stick with 18 inches minimum for HIDS. Looks like yours is air cooled? so you could possible even go lower. Place your hand on the canopy, If your hand is uncomfortable your plants more than likely are as well. Plants leaning over/stretching = your light is too high.
I can't tell when they're that young but to me they look ok I would give them about 4-5 more days & see how they look
Hey nonhater those look good I didn't mean to call you no heater in that earlier post this I pad has a spell check & i didn't catch it in time to edit I screw enough up on my own without the computer helping me along I've forgotten how painfully slow starting from seeds is yours are progressing really good tonight I'm gonna mix some nutes for mine
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So I'm already seeing characteristics and they match the seeds. There was 3 bigger size stripped seeds, then 5 smaller with one being real dark and smaller than all the others. 1B,2B,3B 1S-5S etc. well this baby here ^ is the small real dark no stripes seed. Looks like it might break records for shortest stacker for me and she's so dark compared to all the other!
Paper Towel vs. Cup O Water vs. FF Ocean Forest
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the germination test
4 X Cup O Water
6 X paper towel
6 X direct soil
Which performs better when germinating? My guess is soil.