noob..1st grow, tell me if i got it right..


Active Member moving into a new house...i have to build my little "area"...shouldnt be too bad...will be able to exhaust the area behind the walls in the attic, and have it well hidden..

i think im gonna go with a soil grow, as i think it will be ALOT easier...i will eventually do a bubbleponics setup, but being my 1st grow...this seems best.

i want to go with a CFL setup as space is limited....can anyone tell me wether or not ill be ok with just these far as vegging and flowering..

65 Watt Fluorescent Replacement Bulb

were very limited on resources where i if it can be had at an Earl May, Lowes, or Home Depot that is awesome...

im lookin at Lowes and these are the only options for soil. Can i add perlite to adjust Ph if its too high..

Soil, Sand, Compost, Mixes and Amendments

ive read bad things about Miracle Gro, but ive also read some decent things...

and i understand i shouldnt need TOO much ass far as nutes are concerned with the vegging, but what can anyone suggest during the flowering? is it possible to get these things from those chain stores?

would this work for an additive to my phed water? itll be tap water that sits out, or im going to buy distilled water...but this additive..

i know N-P-K needs a high N for Vegging, and almost none for just kind of afraid of ordering the stuff...want to keep that limited..ive read an article online for Hydro juice, but was way out of my league..unless someone knows of somethin a little easier...i know 1tbl of Mollasses per gallon in the flowering will really help in the taste..haha...i need to fill in the gaps in my knowledge..and thats why this place is here...!!!

im sorry if all this has been asked just tryin to ensure i do this right, as im limited on seeds right now...hope i can get it going, and get gonna follow the method from the 101 ?? sticky, where you clip and sit in a cup of water till roots grow..

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
those 65w cfl's from lowes/home depot do not have the ballast built on them. thzts why there 10bucks. you can get that bulb with the fixture for 42bucks or check out


Active Member

that is really thinking thats where im gonna get my stuff...i can get 400watts of lighting for under $120....

i think im gonna try and go half and white, and warm white...100-175 watts of each..

does anyone have any experience with the products they sell..


Active Member
also after looking i see they have hella deals on metal halide/hps ballasts and bulbs...its a shame as this would be the ultimate rig personally...1-250mh, 1-200hps...but i think the area im growing in would place the bulbs too close, and cause burning...

thus i think CFL would be better...


Active Member
ive actually just found on the FoxFarm site, 2 hydro stores in the omaha area...which is under a 2hr drive from where im at....

get some fox farm soil...order my lights...and just need my Ph meter and nutes..

what would you guys suggest for ease of growing and yield..

like i said..cfl farm soil..what nutes? of the fox farm variety or flora nova? those are the 2 lines available?

ive got some bagseed, bubblegum, ny diezel, purple kush, and 1!! maui....doubt ill grown that, as i wont have enough room for that plant to stretch out.