Actually the 185s are all around 200 watts. The 185 1050a is 199.5 watts I think. And the b is 200 even.The driver is dependant on the amperage. Your forward voltage of the cobs is between 33-36% dependent on the current itself (how hard you're driving them). It's a simple equation
(Fv)X anperage = wattage.
So 36 X 1.050= 36watts
36X 1.400= 56watts
Each driver has a maximum output of current, getting less and less as the amperage goes up (500,700,1050,1400,1750,2100)
So to answer your question, you can fit the 5 cobs on a 1050 & NOT a 1400, because it's exceeds the max output. You see?
36x5= 180. Okay
56x5= 280. Not okay
The (185) in the driver name relates to the wattage max.
In my experience 600-1000 is the sweet spot.More is better up to about 1500, but there's a law of diminishing returns. There's not going to be a lot of difference between 1230 and 1500.
There are two basic rules of light intensity but many people find themselves falling in-between.
1- if you have limited space run the PPFD high.
2- if you have unlimited space run the PPFD around 650.
At some point below 650 the flowers will begin to get fluffy, but it's hasn't been determined exactly where that point is. I've seen good results at 500, but even with unlimited space there's not a lot of justification in going much lower than 600. A lot of people find the sweet spot to be around 800-900. The chart is for vegetative growth but flower production is probably similar.
View attachment 3619620
HLG-240H-C1400 driving 14 x CXB2530 @ 0.7A for $204.12 (excluding driver)
View attachment 3619637
That's a lot of grunt for just over $200.
14 holders, reflectors/lenses. After you spend more to hook all those up you still have the added risk of one or more being a dud. You're also running a way higher voltage which also increases risk. I think there's something to be said about simplicity. Four 3070's would be a great choice or 3590's.