Noob CFL question


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to do that.. you veg till a plants is about 12" at least... why in gods name spend money and time to harvest a few joints when a few weeks of veg and you get grams... plus a plant has to be strong enough to hold a top...
if you have 20+ plants veg smaller plants SOG grow.. But if you're using CFL's you're not doing 20+... I hope..


Active Member
im not working on a big yeild at all its just a really small first CFL grow opposed to outdoor which is what im used to.


Active Member
I'm doing a 12/12 from seed grow and I know that there are lots of other people that have done it. It is true though that you wont get the same results without vegging. If your just looking to grow some bud for yourself (like I am) then I'd say go for it just make sure your girls are well fed.


Well-Known Member
You can do 12/12 from seed. As stated before, you won't get as much yeild as if you were to veg it, but you can get up to about an oz per plant. That's going to be my next experiment.