Noob cloning

thanks.i just read primeralives post, mite do that tonight. heres a pic of the clone. its about 5 1/2 - 6 in. long if that matters
so i cut all the leaves off besides 2 sets at the top... duct taped a waterbottle so no light could get in and put the stem through a cup top with a hole in it. trimmed the tip of the leaves off. and hope to see some roots in a couple days...
I see in the picture you stole from the internet they used the gardener's secret- duct tape. In all of the growing I take credit for and don't really do, duct tape is vitally important. Keep posting with your stolen pictures, and if you can fake one with the roots showing, don't hesitate to post it. I'll be waiting, smoking my not weed.

PS- I love your signature.
yeah in place of gel, which btw clonex is the shit you might as well just pay the 30 bux and get some it lasts forever
ill look into it, if im using the honey can i put it into soil. or should i use the honey and water and wait for some roots to show first?
yeah dude i wouldnt even muck around with anything else. i live in ak everything is more expensive clonex is 37 dollars for a little bottle but i bought it in 2008 its still half full. and anytime you make cutting you should put them in a jiffy pellet or rockwool cube so you know if it rooted before you put it in a pot.
It's definately possible to clone without rooting hormones etc. Just make yourself a bubble cloner, mine cost less to make than a bottle of clonex

I took some cuts 10 days ago in nothing but plain tap water and now all of them have pretty decent root growth,
i have an air pump, if make a setup where the bubbles are just at the end of the stemwill roots show quicker?
Heres a pic of some fresh chocolate clones( 3 on left) and some true blueberry clones( 3 on right)
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All I do is take cuttings from mom, dip in cloneX, plant in pea pot filled w/top soil.
I had 3 chocolates root out of 6 and 3 blueberrys take out of 8. This is more then enough for my simple set up.