Noob first grow, updated weekly. Please comment


Using a seed from a mid grade that now I learned was afghanny skunk. Using hydroponics grow cubes and lava rocks. 90w LED ufo lamp, green air plant nut. Im currently doing 22/2 light time and using some bending and twisting weekly as of last week. I tested ph of pot and seems to be within range. I water every 3days and feed other 3 days. I have attached pics of everything to help me show my setup. Please comment on tips, mistakes and what to do next.



Well-Known Member
Can you afford more lighting? I'm thinking that LED is working but by no means it's a 400w killer. I say throw in some cfl bulbs if you can.


ADDITION on day 30, switched back to water pump system, that recycles the water from the 5gallon reservoir underneath the plant pot through the middle sprinkler. I used 5 gallons of filtered water 3ml microbase ,3 ml grow nut N rich, 1 ML of bloom Nut P rich in the 5 gallon reservoir. I also cut out the bottom of the pot, and the pot holder to allow roots to reach the water. Ill update with picture of all tomorrow IM so tired. I also am trying the bend cropping method with a piece of tape holding it to the side of the pot. I plan to top it after this week is over.

P.S decided to re-add the 2 20w cfl bulbs in addition to LED ufo. I also added a sun reflector around the pot with a slight opening at the front with a fan. The ufo and bulbs at the top act as a sort of top. Im sure the pictures tomorrow will help u understand what im talking about.



Noob ass filled the entire bottom of the pot with rockwool and only put lava rocks on top. I figured this was wrong when I still do not have roots at the bottom of the pot. I took all the none attached rockwool from the bottom and replaced with the hydrotones pebbles. I also added the mh light for about 3 hours today before putting a thermometer in the closet to only find out it was 91 degrees! Hope that didn't fry it because the leaves are droopy. I haveadded and big square fan and turned up the purifier fan. I am sitting at 84 degrees. I have also topped the plant today. I hope this thing is as reseliant as most people say it is. I also swaped out the MH bulb for a HPS bulb wow that fucker is bright!.


fuck me sidewayz marijuana is a weed for sure!!! this bitch is standing tall and proud today!! It bounced right back. I really thought I killed that hoe! lol I think im talking to my self though!


I decided on moving the pot out the closet in to the room near the a/c vent to get temps down. with 3 fans in the closet with door closed it would shoot to 88 degrees , door open 86 and thats with the a/c on 73. I also tied down the plant to the sprinkler in the middle to get some lateral growth. I wonder is my lights too far away from my plant with it hanging about 5-6 feet up?



Active Member
I decided on moving the pot out the closet in to the room near the a/c vent to get temps down. with 3 fans in the closet with door closed it would shoot to 88 degrees , door open 86 and thats with the a/c on 73. I also tied down the plant to the sprinkler in the middle to get some lateral growth. I wonder is my lights too far away from my plant with it hanging about 5-6 feet up?
Being that far away will make the plants stretch a lot. I keep mine around 10-12 inches or so (cooltube) and my cfls i go with 3-4 inches. I also had problems with heat. You might want to invest in a good inline fan and some ducting. DONT skimp on the fan... My temps were at 98-109f and i barely got a oz off of 5 plants. So yea, id say 85f should be your sweet spot. Also from the looks of it, the plant is starting to suffer from the heat. See the twisting and curling of the leaves. In pic 2, the leaf near the temp gauge shows that. Pic 3.... is that upside down?

Good luck man.. i am here to help in any way i can.


Thanks catfish. The plant is kind of short I wouldnt mind some stretch I also have the room for it. I have a ceiling fan, a large square fan and an air purifier fan which move lots of air!! Fucking bulb is just hot as fuck. Im looking into the ducting now. The ac duct is only a foot away from the light but it blows next to it not through it. Im going to HD tommorow to see what I can make.


Its growing well seems to like the 18/6 light schedule, better lighting and ph.

Moved light closer 3 feet from plant
Moved light under vent
Cut vent holes in top of reflector
Put square fan ontop on light to push cold air over light
Moved air purifier to window to blow hot air out of window
Corrected ph from 7.3 to 6.7
Added 1ml N and micro base nutes

This is all out the window when new seeds and tent comes in. im ditches the hydrobonics for those.



God damn cheap ass ph meter! Fucker might of just made me fry my plant. I thought hanna makes good stuff? This bitch reads accurate for like 3 min than becomes a russian rulet of numbers. I hope I didn't use too much ph down roughly 3ml to my 5gallon resevour. It said my ph had went back up from. 6.7 to 7:4 over course of 24 hours can that happen?