Active Member
Howdy folks.
For years I've thought about growing my own Marijuana. I've read up on it in the past, done research and learned things that I've never applied. At one point I bought a small hydro farm in the heat of the moment. I never did anything with it because I was trapped in a one bedroom apartment. That was years ago. Today my wife and I live in a house and we have the space to do so without worry of bothering a whole lot of people with fresh green smells!
Recently as you may know, Michigan passed the medical Marijuana act. In this law (its not clearly defined yet) it gives the right for what is called a "Care Giver status". From what I've read I don't find any stipulations on who can be a caregiver. Based on the law that passed it appears there is a 120 day wait after the law goes into effect so that they basically have a window to get their system in place and accept people as a legal status for growing, and consuming. The earliest I can apply for a legal status will be April 6, 2009. The process described in the bill says that it can take as long as 15 days to get approved.
My plan is to apply for the caregiver status when its open for filing. This status allows me to grow and sell to up to 5 people who also have a medical Marijuana card.
I'm planning that this process will be smooth and I will have full legal status in April of 2009. There are however caveats with the system that are in limbo. The law does not cover getting seeds legally so that is a hurdle I'm not sure how to overcome.
With the legal status comes the fun part. The growing.
However I've decided to start the planning and construction of a grow room. I'll be opening a discussion in the grow room discussion area shortly with pictures.
Anyway... just a small opener to say hello and feel my way around. I read the terms of service on this site yet its not discussed about disclosure of information. It has seemed as a friendly community that I will enjoy without worry.
For years I've thought about growing my own Marijuana. I've read up on it in the past, done research and learned things that I've never applied. At one point I bought a small hydro farm in the heat of the moment. I never did anything with it because I was trapped in a one bedroom apartment. That was years ago. Today my wife and I live in a house and we have the space to do so without worry of bothering a whole lot of people with fresh green smells!
Recently as you may know, Michigan passed the medical Marijuana act. In this law (its not clearly defined yet) it gives the right for what is called a "Care Giver status". From what I've read I don't find any stipulations on who can be a caregiver. Based on the law that passed it appears there is a 120 day wait after the law goes into effect so that they basically have a window to get their system in place and accept people as a legal status for growing, and consuming. The earliest I can apply for a legal status will be April 6, 2009. The process described in the bill says that it can take as long as 15 days to get approved.
My plan is to apply for the caregiver status when its open for filing. This status allows me to grow and sell to up to 5 people who also have a medical Marijuana card.
I'm planning that this process will be smooth and I will have full legal status in April of 2009. There are however caveats with the system that are in limbo. The law does not cover getting seeds legally so that is a hurdle I'm not sure how to overcome.
With the legal status comes the fun part. The growing.
However I've decided to start the planning and construction of a grow room. I'll be opening a discussion in the grow room discussion area shortly with pictures.
Anyway... just a small opener to say hello and feel my way around. I read the terms of service on this site yet its not discussed about disclosure of information. It has seemed as a friendly community that I will enjoy without worry.