Noob having trouble identifying deficiency


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new here and new to growing... I have been trying to identify what my plants are dealing with but I just can't seem to nail it down.. im watering between 6.3-6.6ph organic soil with worm castings and vermiculite.. I use the micro/grow/bloom perfect ph nutrients... this deficiency showed up before I started using nutrients.. have just started using nutrients about 2 weeks ago.. the plants have responded well to the nutes but I'm still seeing the deficiency spread to new growth... it's starts with the leaves turning a diff shade of green and the veins get really dark.. and the tips of the leaves turn white and it's spreads up the leaf as time goes by... please any info will help thanks!20210804_185528.jpg20210804_185604.jpg20210804_185612.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like your using some sort of soil mix? If so just run water and no added nutrients let it correct itself and allow the soil to dry between waterings.


Well-Known Member
No need to ph your water,just keep top dressing with ewc.Trade those overpriced AN stuff for some dry.


New Member
No calmag supplements?
About a week ago I crushed up eggshells and watered with an epsomsalt mix.. and it seems to be doing better... but I check it every day and check the leaves in hopes it has stop spreading to new growth.. the deficiency is not as mobile as it once was.. but I'm the kind of person who over worries and stuff


New Member
Looks like your using some sort of soil mix? If so just run water and no added nutrients let it correct itself and allow the soil to dry between waterings.
I had flushed probably 3 times total .. not all at once... but the first time I noticed the deficiency I flushed them and it continued so flushed few days later ... still present.. now I have watered with an epsomsalt mix and added eggshells to the soil for cal and mag purposes.. it seems to have slowed down the spread but I'm not positive yet bc it's only been about 5days..


New Member
No need to ph your water,just keep top dressing with ewc.Trade those overpriced AN stuff for some dry.
Ewc? Not positive what you're referring to.. is that worm castings? Very new to all of this... have a broken back and am trying to grow to help with my pain.. so I apologize if I may seem out of the loop on the info..


Well-Known Member
It's difficult when you mix organic with soil less feed.
Also you flushed 3 times? You could have few nutes left, check the PPM. Could be a nute lock situation or insufficient nutes because I see a few deficiencies at once, both mobile and immobile.


New Member
It's difficult when you mix organic with soil less feed.
Also you flushed 3 times? You could have few nutes left, check the PPM. Could be a nute lock situation or insufficient nutes because I see a few deficiencies at once, both mobile and immobile.
Yea flushed probably 3 times but it's been a good 3 weeks since I last flushed... haven't flushed since starting the nutes.. I was watering with high ph didn't have a meter for the first month of its life.. . So deff not surprised if there's multiple issues... which ones do you see? If I can identify them maybe I can keep it from spreading... it's definitely not as bad as it was but I can see it's not completely gone.. thanks for the replys


New Member
It's difficult when you mix organic with soil less feed.
Also you flushed 3 times? You could have few nutes left, check the PPM. Could be a nute lock situation or insufficient nutes because I see a few deficiencies at once, both mobile and immobile.
Organic potting soil, worm castings, perlite, vermiculite, and mycorrhiza. Is what's mixed for the soil


Well-Known Member
Bottom 3 finger leaf are early set … they are expendable.
Minor nute burn … good color …. Carry on.