Alright so long story short, a local hydroponics shop had a used Cash Crop 5.0 for a pretty reasonable deal so i picked it up. Well I have happened among 2 seeds, but have failed with both so far, the first one popped open, but that is all it did after 2 weeks, no lengthening of the taproot or anything and has since turned to mush which seems like what I can tell it seems like it may have gotten too much water. I soaked the seed, I do admit that I attempted the paper towel method the first time, the moment I saw the root emerge I put it in a rapid rooter inside the cash crop 5.0 where it sat for 2 weeks. Is this a case of just crap luck, the micro roots possibly damaged from the paper towel, I used distilled water, is it just a bad seed, because the second seed I tried to soak in a glass of water for 12 hours "it sank to the bottom in about 7 hours, and I moved it straight to the rapid rooter in the hydroponics setup with distilled water to avoid any chance of root damage. Please any information and guidance is greatly accepted.