Noob here, lots o questions


Hello everyone,

New here & have lots of questions. A Friend gave me a small clone of a White Widow a few months ago & I have grown it about 2 feet tall but it's not very bushy, but I have cloned it alot too, I have it under metal halides & use R/O water with a bit of grow big mixed in. I also have added a bit of Osmocote
to the soil. I think I might have a little fertilizer burn, not sure but I added some pics, maybe someone could tell me. I have also started trying to clone (with root stimulation gel) & had about 2 out of 10 take root, so now im up to 3 plants. I also took an old aquarium & started using it to put my newest clone cuts in to start them. I use a razor cut at a 90 degree & then dip in stim gel then put in the soil I have in the aquarium. Does this sound ok? Ive searched the forums and cant seem to find anything on the light cycles. I was told, to have my clones on 24 hours till they look like they have taken root, then move to a 18 on 16 off, then when I have it at the desired height (ready for it to start producing bud) to move to a 12 on 12 off light cycle. Also Im using metal halide on all the plants except the clones, I use florescent. This is in a large standard bedroom sized room, so I dont worry much about ventilation. I also mist the clones twice a day & the big plants once a day. Do I seem to be on the right track with everything?? Any suggestions would be great!! Thanks!!



Well-Known Member
Well you have alot of learning to do. But here's what I would do with mother. Clip off all small twigs on bottom, wait 2 weeks then go 12/12 with a hps.
Yes nute burn and too much misting mother. As for clones, your all wrong on set up, but you did manage two rooted so Kudoos there.
Follow my signature link to my grow, its all veg. Start from the begining and read through it. Pay attention to clones, and see how it's done in a more optimal fashion.
Check back with you later.


Well-Known Member
high pressure sodium bulb is what hps stands for. also, no need to "mist" plants. no reason to have water on leaves of plant. water soil, and you'll be good. anything completely dead on your plant should be removed, but ONLY the portion that is dead, not entire leaf. unless of course the entire leaf is dead. your 2' plant probably isnt very bushy due to stretching. the plant was stretching to reach the available light, and thus ended up not being very lush. move light closer to plant if possible, or add additional lights. looks like you got her in a 5 gal bucket, which is very good, as a large root system will result in a better, higher yielding plant.


Cool, hopefully I can get something out of all this hard work.....the guy that gave me the starter plant said WW is some killer green, he ordered the seeds from Holland.... we shall see.
Thanks for the advice guys!


Member other thing. The nute burn isnt a death sentence right?? Anything I can do?? Must have been from putting Osmocote along with Grow Big....


Well-Known Member
not a death sentence, yet. stop the nutes for now. use only ph balanced water to flush the plant and remove all excess nutes. wait two weeks or so, until plant perks up again, then use the nutes at a 1/4 strength.


Thanks 4 the reply, I only use R/O water so that shouldnt be a problem. Having a salt water tank has given me a bit of a learners curve in the lighting/water chemistry department. It's Almost the same hobby, trying to keep corals alive. :) Speaking of which FYI for anyone looking for cheap lights,RO maker, filters, test kits, ect ect join a local salt water tank forum and ask around, there is always someone breaking down an old tank & wanting to sell their supplies cheap.