Noob in need of help ... maybe


So i bought 5 new clones .. put in a nice room and started off all wrong... first day i transplanted from a styrofoam cup to 3 gallon poPTW variations.jpgPTW gracie.jpgPTW ralph.jpgPTW number one.jpgPTW choo choo.jpgcatarax magoo.jpgt and watered lightly... also put about 1 foot under MH from flourescents... I know... I didnt harden them. day 2 I watered with Nutes. General Organics lineup... full thing. I KNOW I WASNT SUpossed to yet quit yelling at me.... anyways that night i noticed down leaf curling and general unhappiness so i read up and realized that 48 hours under the lights and two waterings is assanine as it gets... what can i say I was trying to be helpful... i have since pulled the plants to the floor (about 2- 3 ft. from the light) and havent watered in two days. Tomorrow I expect the soil to feel dry 2 knuckles deep as its now been 3 total days ive had them. and if not i plan on going yet another day. but then what. should i just straight water to flush any nutes or wait another day or two since i overwatered to start with. and how long should i wait until i go back under the light again. I included some picks .. 4 are Purple train wreck and 1 is catarax (had it explained to me that this would be the pain in my ass strain) compaired with the purp anyways. Also in my one pick im holding a cpl leaves with color variations that just started today. imagining its shock or burn and it only showed up in 2 of the plants and only on the lowers . you can see how light green the new growth is... sorry for the wall of text but i need help to keep me from killing these guys.


Well-Known Member
yes flush with distilled water 7.0 ph, when soil is dry. What kind of CFL lighting to you have? How far away is the lighting in inches...also do you have any room temp of relative humidity numbers?


Well-Known Member
Damn. All in all they look good despite your best efforts otherwise. Just keep doing what you are doing since you figured it out. Get a lot of air moving around them but not over them just yet.


Well-Known Member
You gave it too much nutes on the first feeding. I know if i followed the recommendations on my veg feed
my plants would be dead in a week.

You need to flush immediately and they should pull through. N toxicity


Dank i do have readings... RH is 32- 35%... the CFLs where what my clones father was growing under. I dont actually know what type he used. temperature when they close was 78 at the plant tops.... its about 68 where i have them now... ive had fans on them the whole time but on low so as not to damage further. Seems the general concensus is to give it a flush once dry ... ill see how theyre going tomorrow and do that. and dime i love the photo... lmao,,, anyone has other input pls let me know


Well-Known Member
a good way to tell when the plants need a watering is let the plants dry fully and then check the weight of the pots b4 watering and after u water


okay so they were bone dry this morning and ive added about 1.5 gallons to eat plant to completly soak through and have already vac'd the water from the saucers. If theres any more issues ill let you guys know and thanks again for all the input. much appreciated

The Growery

Active Member
1.5 gallon for each plant? I can already tell you that the problems will only get worse because that is far too much water for the plant to take up in a week's span. those pots will remain heavy and saturated for a good couple weeks. for plants that size you only want to water them about a cup every few days until they recover. damaged plants do not take in a whole lot of water, maybe 1/8 cup of water a day for your plants. The problem here is that the pots are far too large for the size of the plants you have. drenching the soil only serves to drench the soil unused by the plant, which looks to be about 90% of the soil. this water will sit and become anaerobic which is not good. Seriously consider repotting them into half gallon containers to make watering more manageable.