Noob looking for help with grow (^_^)


Hi guys, pretty new to the site so excuse my noobiness aha,
Right after having a ponder about and reading a few guides, i have planned to grow a plant indoors, i have a tank which used to be used for reptile tortoises which we had, it has a temperature gauge on the window

i was thinking, would i be able to foil the glass, but then the top of the tank is mesh?
If you guys dont think this is a good idea or if I've got it wrong could you tell me a way to do it?
There is a hole in the mesh to hold a heat lamp so the light should not be a problem,
The pots could drain into another container or something?
Would i need a fan in here to keep the airflow?

Now this is where i seem to get confused when it comes to feeding the plant, can you simply use water or would this not be possible in the kind of grow? are fertilizers vital?




haha couldnt find a tape mesaure or a ruler so i'm not taking the piss or anything but it's 2 budweiser bottles wide and 2 tall...



Active Member
ha ha good way to measure to be honest thats way too small to grow a decent sized plant by the time you got lights and everything else in there is that your only option for a grow area


yeah okay, and errm i have a cupboard but the ventilation is an issue then isn't it? :/

as in closet what you put clothes in


Well-Known Member
If you want to go hydro you could use that tank for a reservoir, or you could use it for seedlings/ clones.

as far as nutrients, just buy good soil, and the plants will be fine for a while, if you want real healthy robust plants, you are going to need mychorizae/ beneficial bacteria, and I would suggest an mmj specific fertilizer, you can go with regular stuff, but trust me there is a learning curve when it comes to designing your soils or nutes.


Active Member
depends on how many your gonna grow if your only doing one or two and security isnt that much of a problem then you could open the cupboard door for 20 mins 2 or 3 times a day that would supply fresh air to the plants and also expel the hot air thats in there


yeah i could do that just open it occasionally, what would i need to put in the cupboard, the sides white and which light would you suggest for the cupboard? i dont know about hydro because i want to use soil, keeps things simple ;/



Well-Known Member
is it you who has the 250 mh light? if so then use that in the closet. have a oscillation fan blowing and like above said leave the door open as much as you can while the lights are on, untill you can afford the inline fan.


Active Member
i grow in soil you can paint the sides with a flat white paint or if you can get it line the inside with mylar sheeting lights are up to you i use a metal halide for my veg then switch to a sodium halide for my flowering but some people use a sodium all the way through it also depends on your budget and what you can afford but as robsterb says get a small oscillation fan to keep air moving over your canopy


Active Member
With a couple CFLs on top it would be a wicked germination box for seeds/clones. To grow? No ventilation, no size. You will need to flower them before they germinate to keep them small enough!


Yeah okay so i will paint the sides white, buy an oscillation fan, and i want a 250 mh light?

What soil should i get, would i be able to water the plant with just tap water or would this not be possible what would i have to add to the soil or water.



Yeah okay so i will paint the sides white, buy an oscillation fan, and i want a 250 mh light?

What soil should i get, would i be able to water the plant with just tap water or would this not be possible what would i have to add to the soil or water.



Well-Known Member
if your buying a new light you want a hps yes tap water is fine just fill a bottle and let it stand for 24 hours b4 using, also depending what soil you use you will have to start adding nutes when they get a little older.