noob looking for some advice on my first grow =)

OK, I started this plant a couple of weeks ago, im using a 23w 1700 lumenes CFL light. Im going to get a small clamp fan from walmart at the end of the week for more ventilation. The plant is in my old fish tank. dont mind the two plants on the sides, there not marijuana. I just came here to get some advice for my first grow, so any help would be very helpful. Oh BTW im growing crip.



Well-Known Member
-Nice setup-

I think you would benefit greatly by adding more light- a couple more sockets and cfl's - ( you can 42 watt cfl's from wally world).


Well-Known Member
One thing I noticed in the 4th picture : Are there 2 plants in that one pot? If so you need to separate them asap.
ok so more light. can i get one of the 6500k cfl at a store like home depot?? also for one plant (remmember i said dont bother with the ther two on the sides) how many cfls should i use??


ok so more light. can i get one of the 6500k cfl at a store like home depot?? also for one plant (remmember i said dont bother with the ther two on the sides) how many cfls should i use??
1000 to 3000 lumens per sq ft of you do need more lighting. you also need a drainage system in an aqauarium , i would think you have none,?
:peace::peace::peace::peace: good luck!


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the 6,500k at home depot. I think those are like metal hallide lamps. I could be wrong though.
6500k can be found at walmart. A pack of 2 @ 26 watts will run you about 8 bucks.

6500k is a color temp. in the bluish white color spectrum.

2200k is a color temp. in the reddish orange color spectrum.

For those of you who don't know what color temp is please read up on it. Its not that difficult to wrap your head around.

Our plants thrive under ~6500k and ~2200k. ~6500k is used for vegging while ~2200k is used for flowering.

CFL's are available in many different spectrum's.

HPS (High Pressure Sodium) come in the 2000k-2200k range

MH (Metal Halide) usually come in the 4000k-6700k range.

DAT (Dual Arc Tubes) are 1 bulb containing both HPS and MH giving you the best of both worlds. These usually come in a 1000w variety (600w HPS, 400w MH)


Well-Known Member
ok could somebody tell me how to transplant one of them because their so small??
Scoop one out being careful not to touch the roots or disturb it to much and put it into a different container. Shouldn't be to difficult considering how small it is.
well the lighting m using now is a 2700k is that good for flowering?? and as for the dranage the plant is a clay pot with hole in it, the fishtank simply acts as a grow box.


Well-Known Member
2700k is fine for flowering but your not flowering right now. Your vegging. Flowering is when you want buds to appear. That doesn't happen until after the vegging stage.
thanks to all that helped im gonna go to walmart later today to get everything. ill put more pictures up after everything eles is put on. oh and how long due i leave the fan running? and how tall should my plant be when i start flowering?


Active Member
Go to Target to get 6500K CFL's. The Home Depot by me only has 5500K and from what I hear they aren't as good as the 6500K. Got to Target.