noob needing help please


Well-Known Member
hey guys just wondering if this is normal growth as i just let this one go P8300009.jpgP8300010.jpg
this one was tied down and looks very good and im using it as a mother plant
and these are my clones dont know why im haveing such trouble with these any hints guys
P8300015.jpgand these is my flowering cab

any help or advice whould be most welcome


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Do you have cfl's in weird places, they look like they are stretching to something, and the leaves turned towards it.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
Ok ur mother plant is a three leafer thats not the best one to pick as a mother also u need somthing form hum i do all me clones in 42 oz cups with half soil and a zip lock bag over them the hum is 89 to 90% and keep light one them .

Peace and chicken grease


Active Member
How often do you water?
They are looking good just seems your leaves are swelling or something funny in the first pic!!