noob outdoor how am i doing?


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys, I've been reading the forum for a while now, and i finally got the nerve to make my own tread, so i could show everybody my ladies. This isn't my first grow, I did one a cpl years ago, just a seed and a pot and i grew one, I was just a kid then, all i did was water, and it grew. So i got tired of givin all my money to my dealer, so i got a hold of a friend who said he could get me some seeds.all in all it was a mix of 3rd dimension, devil, nl 5 and something else but i couldnt read the writing. and a cpl of bag seed that i had hand picked from my collection
:mrgreen: (i didn't germ the nl 5 saving it for indoor) and i ended up with 1 3d fem, 3 devil fem and one bag seed fem. sooo to keep things short, other wise i would be typing all day cause i have so much to ask and say, I was just wanting to know am i pretty on track, are the seeds what he said they were? they were free so im not complaining, but if their not what do they look like? are they flowering too early? my bag seed looks like it has been flowering by far the longest. the one 3rd dimension is in a 3 gallon pot, are the yellowing leaves from her being root bound? it was only on the fan leaves, but now it's starting to spread which has me worried. how much do you guys think I'll get out of everything? I'm espically would like to know the estimate on my bag seed plant, and is the yellowing on her normal or not thanks everybody any input is greatly appreciated pics or in order 1-3 3rd dimension.......4-6 devil plant#1.........7-9 devil plant#3........10-13 devil plant#2


Well-Known Member
this girl is in quite a remote spot, so she used to not get watered as much, now that shes in full flower i try to water her at least every other day, with 3 gallons of water at a time. when should I stop feeding her? or any of them for that fact. the ratio of males to females was 11 males to 5 females, and 6 of the males were pretty big, 2 of them put my bag seed plant to shamebagseed#5.jpgbagseed#6.jpgbagseed#7.jpgbagseed#1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea buddy, those are right on track as far as budding and they look great. The one with the lower yellow stuff need a bit more nitrogen, (grow food) I'd hit her once with that. You can feed alternately with water the whole grow but I cut out the nutes a couple weeks before I chop. They look to have some kush in them and will finish early like mid October so feed till the beginning of October and you will be safe. If you can, water the hell out of them at that time, it can kick start the curing process.

Oh, and I dont know if you did but it may not be a good idea to take pictures with your phone.


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot cannabis, since i don't tell anybody about them it feels nice to finally have some input on them. my bag seed was placed in a bag of organic mg soil, the bottoms of it cut open and my lil seedling went right into the middle, its worked pretty good lol, for all of them I'm using mg bloom booster, applied every two weeks


Well-Known Member
and thank you a lot too cruzer, sorry i didnt see your post till after i put that one, even my one bag seed will flower until october? I was wayy off track lol thanks and i've been trying to find something besides mg for nutes but only other thing besides mg around here is knock off mg, and theres a hydro shop a little ways away, but I heard they watch it and I'm just too paranoid


Well-Known Member
and no its the only pictures ive taken on this camera, so i'm just trying to figure it out, those were taken on the plant setting with macro on(which I didnt realize till later) even on the pics that weren't close up. so hopefully next time they'll look a little better any tips?


Well-Known Member
It just that with smartphone pics there is a tag embedded that can locate where the picture was taken by 15 feet and you probably dont want that.
A lot of people use MG I think the way your using it is fine. You got a good soil to start with. Yep, mid October looks about right to me. Those plants look about as far along as a Train wreck I got going in my green house.


Well-Known Member
yea i deff. have that on my phone, I can disable it but was still too paranoid to do post with it, till i got my camera. I appreciate the input, i checked out your greenhouse grow and you definitely know what your doing, tomorrow i'll be looking for some kind of nitrogen nute at the farm store, maybe just give the ones that are yellowing a 1/4 strength dose of whatever i find? i will be feeding them the mg bloom booster in about 6 days, according to my schedule. Your girls are looking suuuper good and healthy, trainwreck was going around here for a while, that stuff was killer smoke


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing they are in week 4-5? Hoping closer to four. Hit them with some PK for about a week or two. you may see about another third again in cola height for a couple or three doses.. Really worth it in my opinion. instant results (like two days). Those colas which are very nice btw should fill out nicely very soon. You're not seeing any trykes yet I'm sure?


Well-Known Member
Since I couldnt find any pk or anything, I've decided to hit them with the bloom booster tomorrow, and hopefully cure some of those yellowing leaves, and boost it a lil bit. The bloom booster is 15-30-15. and a lb? that should get me through the winterbongsmilie how much do you think i'll get off just the one bag seed plant? I was kinda thinking indica cuz its short and bushy, do my other girls look like their suposed to? 2 of the devils are only 3-4 foot in height. Ill be posting pics to see how they react to the feeding, and if they seem to like it i might do what doser said hit em pretty hard with it


Well-Known Member
whats up guys, I fed all my girls early, so far not too much of a difference on my 3d girl, but I havnt had a chance to go see my other ladies yet. I'll be seeing them tomorrow, and if they are looking good, im going to feed them 1tsp(per gallon was thinking for the first time maybe do it 1tsp per 2gallons) of a mix of bloom booster and another fertilizer that has a lot of potassium in it, i'll be mixing it half nd half. the 3d seems like it has some of the yellow leaves cured, but that migh'tve just been because they died and fell off idk. but yea i snapped some pics of my 3d a cpl of hours after her watering, she seems to be doing pretty good besides the yellow leaves. If trichomes are the things that look like crystals, then there is starting to be some on the inside of the leaves/lower part of the bud. any inputs greatly appreciated thanks everybody 3dbudd.jpg3d15.jpg3d13.jpg3d.jpg3d1.jpg3dbud.jpg3dbud1.jpg


Well-Known Member
wats up guys, thanks to everybody for all the input, and to anyone who has kinda been following my grow. like I said you guys are the only ppl that know, so it feels good that I can actually talk about them and tell my fellow growers. ledhed your right, I'm going to be growing over the winter, and I just dont think it's ganna be the same as lettin em do their thang outdoors. but newho I'm fed them my mix of nutes once, pretty light since its such a stong mix, forgot my camera but good thing cuz I got wet. Should I feed them once or twice more before I switch to straight water? So i just went and snapped some quick pics today, cpl hours after a rain. Temps the last couple of days have been nice and cool (high 50s/low60s) at night but before that it was hotter than hell. Ive noticed a very little amount (just enough you can tell) of purple forming on the top bud of my devil lady#1 is this just from the temps or is this normal? ppl go craazy for purp around here but too bad itll be all for me:-P I can tell I'm getting closer and closer to harvest as the hairs are changing color and its startin to smell ooo so good. could anyone give a guesstiment on how much I will yield on my bagseed lady? I'd love to hear how much I'm going to get from just the one plant. sorry no pics of the 3d this time, I just went out and snapped some pics real quick of these 4 ladies. All input and tips are greatly appreciated, thanks to everyone for stoppin by! pics should be in order devil#1- then devil#2- then bagseed- then devil #3 and the very last one is devil#2devil04.jpgdevil104.jpgdevpurp.jpgdevil04bud.jpgdevil##2.jpgdevil##2bud.jpgdevil##22.jpgbagseed##3.jpgbagseed##top.jpgbagseed##bud1.jpgbagseed##2.jpgbagseed##1.jpgbagseed##.jpgdevil#3bud.jpgdevil##31.jpgdevil##3.jpgdevil##21.jpg


Active Member
Everything is looking great! You must have the touch...and good weather. I've got two going outside now (my first outdoors) and hope they will have time to finish before the weather turns. Would love to be able to grow outdoors all year - the sun kicks ass compared to my indoor stealth grow. Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it! If you want to be able to keep track of the yellow leaf count, the easiest way is to remove them when they fade alot. They won't go green again anyway, and the plant is done with them once they're looking pretty yellowed. If they pop off when you give a tug, they weren't being useful anymore. Clear out the dying stuff and you can tell better if more leaves start to fade out, then you know to react faster and feed right away. If you have a garden store or nursery, look for Jacks Classic nutes - comes in a plastic tub for under $15, and will last you forever. It's good stuff that is inexpensive and easy to use. I've got a bottle of Schultz liquid from Home Depot that works fine for flowering, and it was $5!
It looks like you should be getting at least three ounces from that bagseed plant - and thats being conservative. It's hard to tell now, but in a couple more weeks you will be able to see what size colas you're looking at. Everything looks pretty great though, so I hope you have them hidden well enough that nobody decides to snag your harvest. You will be set for months if you keep them green...


Well-Known Member
thanks man usually we have really good weather, but its been unbelievably hot and dry this year for a long time. Farmings in my blood, but maybe I was meant to grow something besides corn and beans haha. That's what I've been doing with the yellow leaves, but it seems to just move on to another set. I'm on private land so I shouldn't have to worry about snaggin my harvest, unless its the cops and they see it from the air. I might have to check out home depot, as that is pretty much all I have around here. thanks for the input manditroy. anyone else on the guesstiment? and any other tips for that matter?


Well-Known Member
whats up fellow growers, my girls are looking pretty nice, their getting closer and closer everyday. now i can smell them whenever i walk up to them which is pretty exciting knowing im getting that much closer. I hit them with another light feeding(1 tsp per gallon) and 3 gallons per girl besides the 3d, she only gets one gallon since shes in the pot. I didn't water or feed my bagseed yet, I'll be doing that here in a bit. Like always any input is greatly appreciated. the 3d is really starting to get some trichs on her, seems like theirs always a little bit more everyday. The only problem I think i'm ganna have from here on out is when to stop feeding and flushing which cruzer said earlier to feed till october, but the way this weathers acting we might have a frost before then. but yea i hope everyone who looks at them enjoys!3d96ful.jpg3d96.jpg3d96bud.jpg


Well-Known Member
last one is of devil#3 the biggest devil, but for some reason with the wind i couldnt really get a nice pic