Noob question about PMs


Active Member
I'm having trouble PMing other members. Is this because I'm such a new member? It tells me I don't have permission to send messages to other users. Can someone explain please?



Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble PMing other members. Is this because I'm such a new member? It tells me I don't have permission to send messages to other users. Can someone explain please?

I tried to PM you

This is what I got...

vBulletin Message
rndmnm has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

Change your settings, if that doesn't work post again and someone with more knowledge will come along ...hopefully ... :)



Well-Known Member
Users are not allowed to PM until they get 5 posts, all 5 posts must get past our spam filter to make sure you are a legitimate user.


Active Member
Well, I've made more than 5 posts and I don't see where in the options it says anything about PM options. Maybe I just have to wait for this spam filter to make sure I'm not a spammer?