noob question about quick germination


Well-Known Member
ive seen a thread on here on how to germ. well 2 of them atch.

they were both fine, both methods work. on one of them he suggests leaving them on top of the TV or something like that so that the heat rises and obviously gives the seeds warmth.

could u not just like, warm ur cooker up, boil some water and then somehow leave the seeds over the heat.

dont know if this would work... just a question.


Well-Known Member
lol, nah not cooking them. i mean leaving them over hot water or something.

just wondering if it would work an what effects it would have. i am germming my seeds in paper towel and glass method atm so i wont get to try it.

EDIT: another way of putting it would be: if the seeds get more heat would they germ faster?


Well-Known Member
thats to much heat you realy want a dark humid room till they sprout. i use my furnace room it`s warmer in there, and dark. you will probably get different results everytime even in the same conditions just finsd what is easiest for you and then experiment each strain and batch will differ


Well-Known Member
that water would be too hot.

i put warm water in a glass, drop the seeds in, and put it in the cabinet for a day or two.
then put all into starter plugs in a dome keeping the moister level high on the windowsill until sprouted then into soil.

also had success with the paper towel method


Well-Known Member
I wet my paper towel and leave it almost dripping wet. Place the seeds on the towel and fold it up. Place folded paper towel in zip lock bag and seal 1/2 to 3/4 of the way. Place on top of my stereo receiver which I just leave powered on, and within 24 hours they pop. I have 100% success so far this way.
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Well-Known Member
I just put mine in a glass of water and leave them in the cupbord they usually pop within 18-24 hours. Works great and them you dont damage the root getting it outta the paper towel.


Well-Known Member
yer, i have got my bag seed in a paper towel. just wet the plate, put a paper towel down, put my seeds on, another towel - too make a seed sandwich so to speak, then put another plate over them.

also i got 2 fem seeds in 2 glasses in a paper towel.

no probs, was just wondering if anything else would help germ. im gonna go check on them now. nearly been in there 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
i always put my seeds on top of a cupboard in the kitchen never had a problem if ya try to force um ya might fuckem right u up !
if ya try germing those ata tundra let me know how ya get on.
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Well-Known Member
If you go straight into soil with your seeds... do you need to leave your lights on or can you leave them in dark and when they pop out then turn your lights on?


Well-Known Member
If you go straight into soil with your seeds... do you need to leave your lights on or can you leave them in dark and when they pop out then turn your lights on?
If they are buried they are not going to receive the light any ways. So you can leave the lights off until they pop thru the soil, unless you need the light to generate some heat.


Well-Known Member
i always put my seeds on top of a cupboard in the kitchen never had a problem if ya try to force um ya might fuckem right u up !
if ya try germing those ata tundra let me know how ya get on.
yer i got those seeds germming in my cupboard now. they've been in there since sun 6pm with the white widow and trance.

was just wondering if u could do it thats all.