noob question about red stems


Well-Known Member
I have two of my babies that seem to have a strong red tint on the upper side of their stems. What is this? I think I saw somewhere that it meant they were getting a little too cold. Is this right? They are just shy of 6 weeks old, Indoor growing and I water every other day sometimes a little water on the off days as the air is getting really dry here with the cold. Thanks for any info or advice.



Well-Known Member
Well what are your temps?? It is a good sign that maybe they are too low, it will turn your leaves purple when they get older. But everyone likes purp!


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: That they do. The temps in the room vary. But I had limited choice as to where I could grow. At a high it gets around 85 degs, Not sure why the hall outside can be 5 to 10 deg cooler it beats me. At the lowest that I've seen 66 degs. It just started getting really cold outside aka hitting 32 at night :lol:. Cold for here at least. They are close to a window which has the blinds closed and a blanket and drapes over them. But moving them away was my next plan. Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
IMO 100% normal.... dont worry one bit

some of mine turn wayyyy red and its 100% fine, leaves fine no curling tips or burns, red dont mean shit to me hah


Well-Known Member
Could you post a pic with no light, only a flash of your plants? With the lights on your leaves look yellow and maybe they are not really yellow, like to see some green so we can help you better. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sure thing here are a few shots I took while watering this afternoon. Honestly I'm a bit shocked about how much better they look in pics with the grow lights off lol
The grow light can make a plant look washed out and yellow. Your plants look good so far. Are they flowering yet? Red stems can often mean cool temps however those red stems could be a sign of a phospherous deficiency comming up. If the red stays in the leaf stems then probably temps, but if the red continues to progress then a deficiency is there. Also keep an eye on how dark your leaves are, with a p deficiency leaves will have a purple cast to them. A ph of 6.0 and lower will lockout P. Luck


mine started to do this a few weeks ago and i thought temps ,but it is only happening to 1 strain not the other 3 strains i grow and not just 1 plant every plant of that strain got reddish stems.


Well-Known Member
IMO 100% normal.... dont worry one bit

some of mine turn wayyyy red and its 100% fine, leaves fine no curling tips or burns, red dont mean shit to me hah
Hey there awry, my blueberry also has a purplish stem which I have been told (from a member on this forum who is also growing blueberry) that it is absolutely fine however the leaves have been turning yellow at the side which have now turned dark brown & the tips of the lower leaves are bending backwards at a sharp 90 degree turn. Just today I found that the higher leaves are beginig to to curl backwards but at the side. Any idea what this plant is lacking in or show signs of what? Please help if you can my journal thread is below:

Sorry Agnot3000 I dont mean to hijack your thread.


Well-Known Member
mine started to do this a few weeks ago and i thought temps ,but it is only happening to 1 strain not the other 3 strains i grow and not just 1 plant every plant of that strain got reddish stems.
Yep, some strains are more fussy than others and others are sturdy as hell and can handle nearly anything. Pay close attention to the red stemmed strain it may be needing an extra loving touch later.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to think its a temp issue at some point at night. The red has at some level always been in the stem area. It's never moved to other parts of the plant. As of yet at least. No worries iloveit we are all here to learn from eachother about the same type of problems :D


Well-Known Member
my red stems turned the leafs and half the buds purple... beautiful year she'll be way more potent..i cant wait :mrgreen: red stems are always good


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get the feeling that it's one of those it could be bad or good things lol. Guess the best thing to do is just watch the overall health of the plant in question and see what happens.