noob question about temperature


Active Member
, im thinking of growing over the winter so what's the lowest temperature that you can grow weed at? and would you have many major problems with development?

ps. any strain suggestions ?
I really dont know, but I remember reading that they can survive a few frosts ok so I would assume 40-50's. The main problem I would think would be the light cycle.
You have to keep it at least 50 better growth at 60 though....I need a green house with heaters
People frequently tell me things like " I wanna do a grow in a shipping container" What I tell people is to keep in mind that our plants need a similiar environment as to what we live in. If it's cold in your home, it'll be cold for the plants as well.
weed likes warm climates mate when its cold they can stop growing n evern die n ware i grow i had very low temps outside ast year but my room was always at 75f ok might av dropped a cupple f at night but i had heater with a thermistat mate if it dropped say to 70 it kicked in till it was 75 again usaully at light out times it dropped most till fan kicked in!! now temps also aid nute uptakes and also keeps nodes tight too if ya night temp n day temp is pritty close ya gonna have tighter nodes than if there wide cos cold also sauses strech just a cupple things to think about mate good luck!!
the lower the temp the more chance your plant wont make it or it will only yield a small amount but in my opinion i'd say dont go any less than 60F i always keep my plants between 20C-30C (70F-80F) good luck man :bigjoint: