Noob question concerning smoothly changing from veg to flower (timing issue)


Greetings - This is a closet grow. I'm getting ready to switch over to flower. Here's the issue - My timer is set for lights to come on at 5 am, off at 11 pm. I will want to use my closet from 7 am to 7 pm. This morning, I changed the timer to turn off lights at 5 pm. (5 am to 5 pm -12 hours - 1st day of flower). I also changed the timer to start lights at 7am the next morning. When they come on, I will then set the timer to turn off lights at 7 pm.

My question is, will this confuse the plants? You know - 5 to 5 on day 1, and 7 to 7 thereafter. Can that 2 hour difference from day 1 to day 2 cause any problems?

I'm mildly paranoid, since my 1st grow, as are so many, was a "learning experience". I have learned a bunch from this site.

Any way, I've got 3 fem super girls under lst in FFOF with 2 cfl fixtures (225 watts total) and they are growing like crazy, so I'm hopeful.


Well-Known Member
They should get used to whatever light schedule you put them on after a few days. Don't quote me on this though. I've only grown autos thus far. Will be growing normal strains next.


Well-Known Member
time that we use is just a measure of the cycles of light that were use to, a measure of your daily events kinda. a plant only knows light and dark and being its just a plant wont know if its 5pm, 5am, 12 or 920 so ull be fine man


Well-Known Member
as long as when you switch it you stick with it and don't keep jacking it around. it's not a good practice but they will be fine.