noob question! help


i have the waterfarm system and i started my seedling yesterday over the night it is out of the soil.. how much exactly should i be watering it this young? and i have my pump running 15 min. every two hours.. is that okay? no nutes yet im gonna wait about a week. im also using 4 23w (100) CFL"S and i was wandering if two inches is too much my seed is just now sprouting out of the soil and it hasnt even came out of the seed yet?

Illegal Smile

I don't know what the waterfarm system is, but from the name I wouldn't think you would have to do manual watering at all. You may need to explain more.


Active Member
i have the waterfarm system and i started my seedling yesterday over the night it is out of the soil.. how much exactly should i be watering it this young? and i have my pump running 15 min. every two hours.. is that okay? no nutes yet im gonna wait about a week. im also using 4 23w (100) CFL"S and i was wandering if two inches is too much my seed is just now sprouting out of the soil and it hasnt even came out of the seed yet?

Hey man-- from my experience, seedlings don't need uch water at this stage. I'm not familiar with what you're using to grow, (I use old-fashioned soil lol) but I let the soil get totally dry before watering again. That way the roots expand and you end up with a larger, healthy plant. In other words, try not to water too much. Also you gotta wait a little more then a week for nutes usually... you don't want to burn it or stunt its growth by over-feeding too quickly.

Not sure if this helped you at all, but good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
check out the hydro threads a lot of good info there and i belive their are modifacations you can make to the water farm systems and please get better lighting if your gonna go hydro why use cfl you get no benefit from it, hydro will grow plants fast cfl will grow plants kinda slow so why do hydro if your not usin hid's... no benafits in any way other than its another gadget that can break and kill your crop


the only reason im really using cfl's is because my room is kinda stealth and i have to have it compact.. :/ but im gonna wait like 2 weeks to use nutes and thanks guys for the help! if you have anymore suggestions please inform me


Active Member
The waterfarm is very nice. Good way to grow. What is the seedling in? Rockwool, soil, peat pellet?


the seed is in a peat pellet. i need some advice on the time to run the pump and i have the flora series nutes, and i need to know when to start them and what measurments to start with? please help tsunami13


Active Member
Plug it in and watch it grow. lol. I have some home made ones just like the waterfarm, but I put a pump in the bottom of mine and then just used the airpump for bubbles. Ok, maybe just check on it every so often. The pump is meant to run all day everyday. Plus the hydrotron clay holds ample air even when wet. Make sure you have rinsed the heck out of those rocks, will turn everything red and brown if not rinsed and rerinsed and rerinsed. As for the nutes wait until you have two sets of real leaves. Then go very minimal with them. Feeding chart says 2.5mL per gallon. I myself tend to stay on the weak side of things so try 1mL pr gallon of grow, bloom, micro. Once the plant is established it will grow roots like crazy in that bucket!!!
Feeding chart:

You should check out the if you haven't all ready.


Active Member
Be careful with the seedling. Very tender and ain't no sorry when it gets broke game over. Run the airpump 24 hours a day. The rocks do not hold much water! and that waterfarm setup barely gets water to drip out of it. Do you have a ppm, ph, tester? If not just run like 5 drops of each nute in the 2.5 gallons or 3 the bucket holds.