noob question re: perlite wick cloner: cuttings falling over...


Is it normal for the cuttings to fall over immediately after transplanting them in the perlite?

I had a few fall over on me when I was using a bubble cloner and they picked up again, just want to make sure that's the case again here...

Perlite's nice, damp, and uncompressed. No dome, temp around 80'. Cut on axis, scraped off some skin, split stem in middle, purple clonex.

Basically just looking for confirmation that when I wake up in the morning, they will be standing up again.

Here are the pics. 1-6 shows the plants in all their "glory". I see a few have picked up. It's been about 22 hours from time of transplant.

7-8 shows the side of the cloner (I'm actually pretty proud of the cloner). In 7 you can see the water level check in action lol, and 8 has the flap closed.



interesting, so now WTF

perlite's wet so wtf is going on? pics as soon as the GF gets back with the camera lol


Well-Known Member
Is it normal for the cuttings to fall over immediately after transplanting them in the perlite?

I had a few fall over on me when I was using a bubble cloner and they picked up again, just want to make sure that's the case again here...

Perlite's nice, damp, and uncompressed. No dome, temp around 80'. Cut on axis, scraped off some skin, split stem in middle, purple clonex.

Basically just looking for confirmation that when I wake up in the morning, they will be standing up again.

Here are the pics. 1-6 shows the plants in all their "glory". I see a few have picked up. It's been about 22 hours from time of transplant.

7-8 shows the side of the cloner (I'm actually pretty proud of the cloner). In 7 you can see the water level check in action lol, and 8 has the flap closed.
so?????? diiiid they perk up???


Well-Known Member
In my experience the stems of clones will curl or bend some for a day or so but then they should straighten back out.
my theory is...after cutting the clone says "oh shit i been cut off from my roots i better tighten up to save my liquids!" But then its like "oh... theres water right here, I'm good." Does that make sense?? Did they straightn out?


yeah i think its going to do fine. since its a cutting its not really a stem (until you make it one lol) so now the cutting is trying to reinforce the "branch" to become a stronger stem.