Noob question. (Watering)


First time grower -
I just germinated my first seeds and placed them in their first pots. How much water is recommended? And when should I begin adding the Nutes?


Well-Known Member
It gets on some people's nerves when you ask questions that can EASILY be answered through a little searching. You want to water the soil before you put the seed in and let it drain a little so it's moist but not soaked. You want to put some clear wrap or some kind of dome over the pot so that the moisture stay in and humidity is high. Then when the seed has popped up, take the dome or whatever off. Water when the soil drys out a bit. Stick your finger a few inches deep, if it's still moist don't water yet. The roots like to get air and then be watered again. This is normally around 3-6 days. Add nutrients when the plant shows signs of deficiencies, yellowing for example. This is normally after 2 or 3 weeks.


Active Member
You will need to water every 55.5 hours with with 2TB of nutes in one gallon of water. But don't water with the whole gallon, only use 97 ounces.

Just kidding, there is no one answer - it will all vary based on your growing conditions and strain grown. If you are using some potting mix from a big box store, it probably has built in fertilizers, in which case you aren't going to feed for a while. You may need to supplement with some iron or calcium, you're going to need to learn what your plants want - read the plant problems forum.

Watering, you don't want to overwater, that's a common mistake. Only water after the top of the soil is dry. You will be able to tell by lifting the pots when it is time to water by the way they feel.

Hope that gives you some pointers, but you probably should read the link Bonzi posted.

Edit - and triclone's link as well. Man I type slow.