noob questions...please take a look


Active Member
so i've been in the flowering stages for the past 2 weeks....the plant has hairs everywhere.....i've been placing a bag over it for the past 4 days...but the closer i take a look i see the pollen sack close to the pistils.......upon my overall judgement the plant is a hermie but i would say that 90 percent of the plant is female......this is my only plant and i would like to know if i should continue....


Active Member
What does putting the bag over it do? I think my plant is either starting or about to start flowering and if putting a bag over it helps then thats what I'm going to do.


Active Member
actually i think puting a bag over it is for sexing the plants i believe the stress of light and dark makes the plant polinate look into hat u wouldnt want to start pruducing seed bads in ur fem


Active Member
actually, as i noticed the sacks i have been plucking them off with my surgical tweezers.....but out of curiosity one of the pollen sacks i plucked off today had a single pistil in it.....after the removal i opened the pod for further inspection and i had the 4 pollen pods (?) and the pistil.......would me removing that hinder the bud process at all....since the buds form from the pistils.

i place the bag over it b/c unfortunatly i am unable to place it in a dark room or i found a corner in a room and place the plant there and place the bags for the 12/12. this plant was mainly grown outdoors from the begining..