Noob - Sad Seedlings


2 weeks since they popped. 1 afghan and 1 Bubba Kush. Got them under a 135w actual quantum board. Repotted today but they don't look happy. Leaves drooping, have been for last few days. I had them 18in away from light but have moved to 3ft thinking the light was the problem. Good roots when repotting. Is it to early to give them a week feed of some seaweed tea? Any help appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It's not that bad. Can be saved for sure. It looks hungry tho. Has it lost more and more color as the days passed?


Well-Known Member
2 weeks since they popped. 1 afghan and 1 Bubba Kush. Got them under a 135w actual quantum board. Repotted today but they don't look happy. Leaves drooping, have been for last few days. I had them 18in away from light but have moved to 3ft thinking the light was the problem. Good roots when repotting. Is it to early to give them a week feed of some seaweed tea? Any help appreciated.
nice room invest in some mylar i just ordered mine online hoping it comes soon it dont matter now but when they take off you need that reflection


Just potted into 50/50 potting mix and perlite. Had them in smaller pots in jiffys topped up with seed raising mix. Ph is just over 7, maybe 7.2. Haven't fed them anything but water so far.


There are slow release nutes in the mix, would a quarter strength seaweed tea do any harm or best to wait and see what the new soil does. Will read up on lowering ph.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Is mylar better than white walls? Its just an old kitchen cabinet i converted
its a bitch to work with and creaces up if its not handeled properly. mat white paint or the double sided black/white plastic sheeting i use is 90% reflective and is a dam sight cheeper


A couple of days later, looking a little happier in the new soil/perlite mix but still drooping leaves. Ph is still around 7.2, was hoping it may drop with watering the new soil but it hasn't. I've got ph down for a spa pool, can I use this and if so what amount per litre of water. Also still wondering whether I feed a weak seaweed tea, not sure what that would do to the ph either.



50/50 pot power and perlite. I have some dream green nutes, is it to early to feed them anything but water? Was thinking quarter strength and hoping it would also adjust ph