Noob, stealth cabinet w/ pics.


Active Member
Update I had some problems with humidity being too low. I'm in the basement, and can't run my 4" vortex on low continuously with these little guys. Not knowing this, I lost about 10 days of progress. The babies basically did nothing but grow a tiny little bit and droop. So to help them I stopped running the filtration, and I have a heat mat heating a pan with water in it (the mat does this miserably I may add). There's a fan blowing down at the water, influencing evaporation.

They're doing great and in 3 days since I bumped up the humidity they have doubled in size compared to their 12 days prior above ground. I'm very happy they are doing better.

Also added a "micro-oscillating fan". LOL a case fan, old flower pot, and a christmas reindeer gave up his head motor. Hey it took under and hour to throw together, and works great, last pic.



Active Member
Bump. Alright 11 days later, they're looking pretty good..???. 3 + sets of leaves. I believe this is normal growth now. Thanks for all who have provided advice.

The roots were starting to wrap , so I re potted w/ Happy Frog & 33% Perlite.

Temps maintaining 78-82f daytime, RH 45-50%. It takes a few water bowls but they get the job done. I am not running my exhaust barely at all, 2 minutes every 2 hours just to refresh the air. I want to start running it more. As I understand it they like fresh air constantly? And the larger obviously they use the air faster. Humidity drops fast with the exhaust on, and I'm scared to have low20% RH problems like before. I modified a 24 hour timer into a 36 minute timer & I'll run it 2 minutes every cycle, see how they handle that.

I had a small hiccup one day their leaves curled up on the sides. You can still see it on the one. It was also the night I left the window open, though, and cabinet temps went to 62f, oops...So then to make up for that (j/k) I turned off some fans (thinking windburn) and temps went up to 88f. So that day was a big temp spread, I think that's what curled the leaves.

Usually the cabinet goes down to 68f lights off. So I'm at about a 14 degree spread. I bought a little mini convection radiator which I've been testing slowly for colder nights to come.

It's funny these are bad seeds and even though they came from the same bag, they look very different.

EDIT: Can't upload photos right now I'll try later.


Active Member
Here are the pics. These are from a few days ago now.

I'm wondering when I can start introducing nutrients ??? I have a GO box and also the AN 3 part grow-micro-bloom. Not sure what I want to use yet, GMB was a gift from a friend. I was thinking of using GO box but using AN's GMB instead of GO's Grow (which smells like ass anyways). Right now I'm just using aerated water and GH CalMag, ph's to 6.5ish.. I figure the happy frog has some nuts in it for a few feedings?



Active Member

Here they are at just over 1 month, this is the progress of the last 8 days. Fed 4 days ago w/aerated tap water with calmag 1/2 strength. Fed this morning with 1/2 strength GO box aerated tap water. PPM's were around 450. Did not PH, Found out the hard way you cannot use a liquid PH test kit with nutrient solution because the nuts mess with the color :facepalm. Digital pen ordered.

Humidity is stable around 50% and I pulse the exhaust once every 35 minutes, for about 2 minutes. Made one of those repeat timers. The humidity drops to about 35% during that time, but climbs back up over about 10 minutes. So they mostly see about 45-50% RH, and seem to be doing really well.

I have more plans for the cabinet (s). Thinking 400w hps with separate cooltube for this larger cabinet. Then gut my smaller cabinet for the veg. and clones...
Popped a OG kush baby as well. We'll see how it does.

Be well Guys...



Active Member
Hi Grorite. I'm using 4 T5's 6500k. I can go with all 8, going to try that this weekend one day when I'm home.

Don't forget they were regressing for 10 days of that instead, of progressing. Due to very low humidity. I think since I figured that out they are showing normal progress.

I'm trying to keep the light close to inhibit stretching as I have limited cabinet space. In the future I want to start trying LST and SCROG.

Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Looking good bud, I would reccomend using all 8 t5s, also it looks about the perfect time for your babies first topping. Remember the when you top your plant it forces the plant to promote all growth in its inner nodes, also it will keep the plants at a shorter height which you may need due to your lack of space. Remember also that the most upward growing happens during flowering.


Active Member
So this morning my plants didn't seem to perk up like they normally do. Not sure what the problem is exactly but I noticed my heater cut off an hour early because I set the timer wrong. It got down to 60 degrees and that was probably within the time that they usually start working upfor the morning.

Either that or under watering I just watered Tuesday tho. They were great up until this morning.

couple other things I rearranged the cabinet to give them more room and more light, and my little og seedling was in a humidor and seedling mat and was unaffected.

Anti.e know what the problem could be?

I'll snap some pics this evening. I've been watching them all day and they're not perking up???