NooB tip of the day...


Well-Known Member
Hey new growers!
Here are some tips that will help your clones root faster...
Oxygen is the ENEMY in this case, specificly to the cut end of the clone.
And this is primarily for those who use rockwool.
Right after you cut your clone off the mother plant, which I like to be around 3'' long, any taller than that makes the cutting have to work harder to root. Cut it again under water at a 45* angle. this keeps air out of the tip. Also cut the tips of the leaves,this will help speed the process.
I use a powder rooting agent because it tends to adhere to the wet stem better. After I dip the end into the cutting, I kind of tap off the excess powder,so that it's just a thin film on the cut end approx 1/2'' up the stem and not a big clump. This will burn the tip.
I also prepare my rockwool in a commercial conditioning solution (half a lemon in a gallon of water will work too)that drops the ph down to about 5.5.
Place your cutting into the rockwool , now here's the's simple but effective.
Tear a small piece of rockwool from the bottom of the cube and stuff it into the hole with a pencil or something with a point, to keep any air from getting down to the business end of the cut. It also helps it stand up better.
After learning this simple technique, my survivial rate boosted to nearly 100%
good luck and happy growing!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

here is another way that works well and kicks out some of the biggest roots you'll ever see,

after you cut your clone under water, take your razor blade and lightly scrape the outside skin or "cambium layer" about a 1/4 of an inch up. This allows for the cells to be saturated with the hormone in the powder or gel.
Then carefully slice the middle of the stem up about a 1/4 inch. This will give the stem more surface area to root. It will take a few more days(maybe 3) to kick out roots, but once they do...look out!


Active Member
My hindu kush r two weeks into flowering and some stems r purple, what have i done wrong, how do i correct it or is it normal?


Well-Known Member
Check your temps; low temps lead to purple coloring, especially to the strains that are of the purple/lavender family.