Noob to Farming any Info will help thx !!


Well-Known Member
I woke up the other morning to notice a plant growing out on my balchony in a old flower pot that still had soil in it . Anyways its pretty good size about a foot tall and has some nice leaves and new ones coming in . Im new to this so any advice is helpful . So far the plant has done well without me doing jack shit to it not even watering it , questions are , now that i noticed it i cant stop thinking about it and making sure it gets sun light ect . Should i a) let it be like it was b) take care of it with organic sprays ect for bugs , or c) Take care of it for bugs , water it and add more soil . I ask about the soil cuz i dont want it to up root not sure how far the seed was in soil when it started . TY for info :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Leave it alone ... You may sing to it,, stroke it lightly. water it when the soil is dry .. Leave it alone .. Less is more


Well-Known Member
i just noticed now that some of the leaves tips are turning the yellow-brownish color any suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
give it some water dood and you said its 12inches? give it some nutes
C’s Soiless Mix #1:
5 parts Canadian Spaghnam Peat or Coir or Pro-Moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts wormcastings or mushroom compost or home made compost
Powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
...Check the link in my sig line below for cheap earthworm castings. Free shipping to the eastern USA.

Or, if you use Pro Mix or Sunshine Mix...
LC's Soiless Mix #2:
6 parts Pro Mix BX or HP / Sunshine Mix (any flavor from #1 up)
2 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
Powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
If you use a 3 qt. saucepan as “parts” in the amounts given above, it equals about 1 cu. ft. of soiless mix and you can just dump in a cup of powdered dolomite lime.


Well-Known Member
It's probably either 1 or 2 problems. The old soil probably has no more nutrients left in it so the roots have nothing to feed from. Also the soil is probably pretty 'compact' from the previous plant, so no air is getting to the roots. I would suggest repotting the plant into some fresh potting soil, maybe put some perlite at the bottom of the pot (if you want to spend a little money, a pretty good size bag is about $5 at your local garden center). Also, if you want the plant to live past the veg stage and actually want it to flower, you should probably invest in some fertilizer, as the plant will use up all the nutes in the soil very fast during this stage. Hope this helps!


Asshole Patrol
You might want to think about who is going to see this puppy... Also, when it starts flowering, who's going to smell it. :-)


Well-Known Member
Im sure Zombie is correct in his assumption , that soil has been in that pot for no telling how long . Also when it would rain the pot got pounded by water so packed the soil in even more. About the replanting , should i just start breakiung the soil from the sides of the pot in towards the plant then dig down around the plant about 5 inches away ? Also should i do this in the evening or in the shade and after repanted how much water should i use Thx for the help everyone RIU has great help


Asshole Patrol
I wish I could grow outside...

If you're finding that the soil is packing down when it rains then you'll want to add more perlite, sand, or something else that's going to help with drainage.

You wont want to lose much more than 1/4 of the existing rootbase when you repot. Try, instead of digging out a smaller root ball, removing the whole soil ball from the pot and knocking as much dirt off of the roots as possible... Then when you repot you'll have as much new soil surrounding your roots as possible. Day or night, I've never seen a difference in replanting my outdoor garden plants at certain points throughout the day. Make sure the soil is good and damp when you repot, and give it a good watering afterwards.


Well-Known Member
i sure do want to thank all of yall for the info im gonna give it a shot , also i some nice "tomato " seeds < clears throat > was wondering if it is to late to try and germ one then plant it as im doing the repot ?


Well-Known Member
It's a little late in the season to start outdoors, but that also depends on where you live. If you live in a very hot/sunny area, then it should be fine, you just won't get the total yield that you would normally get if you planted a month ago. Where I live, the rule of thumb for any plant is after memorial day, which is normally the date of the last frost, so its about a month off. Maybe if you started to germ them inside under a cfl or something until they sprouted and got a couple days under their belt, then they should be good to go outside.

Also, if you live in a secluded area, why use pots? Why not just plant them directly in some good farm soil in the ground. This way you don't really need to do any work, expect for water them every so often if it doesn't rain much in your area. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Im in the south very sunny / hot here as always , the reason for the pot is a seed must have just got tossed in it . I didnt plan this grow , but im gonna go with it for sure .


Well-Known Member
Ha im trying to figure out now how to post pics on this page lol . I took them with my pc camera hmmm more to come im sure