Well-Known Member
Hey Poobzilla.... I purchased the exact light as you to start off with but, the rating of 600 Watts was bit overstated. Sub $80 light on Amazon, so I bought a second one. Running 2 of these things side by side, I have to be honest, The light intensity is not all that great even with 2 running. Read... Read.. and more reading... seems like the 600W claim is really only good for a 2x2 space. So... I invested in the Spiderfarmer 1000w and I have to say its way better than 2 of these 600w lights. I am not a LED guru and just assumed the 600Watt was going to be all I needed, turns out I was wrong.
This is what's given LED a bad name for many years.
Those spider farmers are nice, but they need to get on board with the rest of the good light manufacturers and start naming the units what they draw instead of dodgy hype names like 1000w, doing themselves out of business and respect as they are.