Noob ventilation Question


So some friends and I are planing on buying a full grow setup but here's the catch, we live in apartments. We know our neighbor will not mind at all for he's in on it with us. Let me just cut to the chase, I was wondering if anyone knew, or have ever had their vent system empty into their attic in an apartment complex. Will the smell linger into the other connected apartment attics? and what are the pros/cons of venting into the attic?:?:

If you need any specifics/clarification/ or anything other information let me know.
Much appreciated,
-Fudd :-P



Well-Known Member
Smell can get in there and flow to all places within the roof. But the biggest problem is if moisture gets in there. You can mold that place out. And be sued for the cost and health problems other tenets say they have. Kids and black mold don't mix. And you would not be able to prove you didn't couse it. Safer to use a back window in a apartment. Imo


Active Member
i have my air vented into the attic and have had no problems, i do have a high airflow through my room (6" and 8" ruck fans) and the humidity stays round 50-60 max
but if you have a low air flow and high humidity in your room then you will get a mold build up in the attic imo


Oh alright completely understandable, we are new to the grow world and want to figure some things out before we go with certain setups. Thanks for the info and opinions. Appreciate it guys.

Oh and Warlock, your grow room is amazing! Made me drool a tad:clap:


Well-Known Member
To bad it's coming down soon. Gotta find a new house. But till I get the boot it's still running. I just got my light movers and other upgrades the day before I was told I was denied the loans needed to save it. That's life. And can't show the money from the weed sells as income for fed bailout. So it says I only make 20 k a year. But I'll have it up within a year in a new spot. And fully decked out.


Damn that's a shame to hear man, you should keep me updated. I'd like to hear how everything turns out with it and who knows, maybe you'll run into a better place that'll double your space and flourish from it. You're attitude shows you're keeping your head up and that's what's necessary, i wish i knew more people with your attitude to be honest haha. Until than, Best of luck to you bro stay :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
dude some strains dont have smell. i have no ventilation at all it doesnt smell but boy does this cheese look good regardless


New Member
If you create negative pressure in the grow room/s and use a carbon filter there will be ZERO smell from your exhaust.

Like some said here, the humidity of the exhausted air can be an issue whne you vent into attic or another small space. If you are in a colder state you can just vent right into the main large room in the apartment. The only smell will be a slight charcoal type smell, mostly unnoticeable to most unless it's your place and you go in and out all the time. You can just vent that room the exhaust is exhausting into if needed. In hot months it can be done to, but you'd want to run day grow lighting at night because once the grow light are on the air exhausting is of course warmer then room temp. When I did this in the hot months I just used my central air more often, in the winter months it helped heat the home at night and keep the gas bill down.

Where there is a will there is a way. And carbon filters and negative pressure equals NO SMELL.


Yeah I was considering the carbon filters but wasn't sure. I had some slight confusion in the effects of the vent systems as well so this helps clarify.
Thanks for the tips as well thehole, Thanks for the feedback. :-o