noob.. Whats the issue with my vanilla kush and industrial plant?


Well-Known Member
Impossible to tell if you have a problem or not by pics. What seems to be the problem? Leaf spotting or curling?


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming pic 1 & 3 are the Vanilla Kush, if there from Barneys' there's nothing wrong with them but suspect genetics. Now to be fair my Vanilla Kush look like shit (leaf discolouration, skinny meagre root ball, thin leaves) but the buds have packed on some good weight, I am seven weeks into flower and they are monstors compared to the other strains I am growing.

I don't think anybody can help you with the current pictures posted.



i was in a hurry taking and posting the pics.. sorry.. just turned the camera on snap lol here are some better pics and i just fed it general organics calmag.. plantssssss 003.jpgplantssssss 002.jpgplantssssss 001.jpgplantssssss 005.jpgplantssssss 004.jpgplantssssss 006.jpgplantssssss 007.jpgplantssssss 008.jpg
1,2,and 3 r the vanilla kush, 4 is a blue mystic, 5 is a bunch of random seedlings(lemon kush, pure kush, industrial plant, blue dream haze and some autos in the pots with no plants yet.. should spout tomorrow) 6 is ghs white widow(was stunted, heavy feeding and it seems to be back on track) 7 and 8 r bag seed..


the larger plants did suffer from high temps but i've got it under control now and I think i overfed the blue mystic.. it seems to be more nute sensitive then the other plants


Well-Known Member
Sure seems like enough light but something is going on, are you lolipoping your ladies as they seem to be really streched out? Is that Barneys' Vanilla Kush?



I should add im not trying to do the perfect grow... I'm just trying to get enough bud to last until another another grow is done.. with the money saved by not having to buy my pot I'm going to make my room better..