Noob, with mites.


Active Member
I never found any Neem oil, I picked up some Insecticidal Soap.
I'm looking for reasurance that this is all right to spray on my girls


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the webs :( insecticidal soap works great just follow the directions on the bottle your plants should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Nothing works to get rid of these pest apart from close down the growfor about 2 week and wipe down with neat bleach everyday during that period.Then start again pref from seed unless you can get clones that have not got spider mites.But all growers go through this at one point in the growing.You will get my drift once you get the neem oil the spider mites will nave laid eggs these will have a tollerance to any agents that you have.


Active Member
yeah, I over looked the words on the back pannle. That it's save to eat vegs fruit ect, one day after spraying this stuff.

Thanks for the reply



Well-Known Member
Those things are nasty
I would harvest early. Clean with bleach and use new clones from another source
neem works great on vegging plants if u dip them every 3 days for a month


Well-Known Member
you can try the natural approach and throw some ladybugs in there... they're carnivores so they'll leave your plant alone, and have at it with any bugs/larvae/eggs they find... peace...


Active Member
Lady bugs, I know, there is one in the row of the latest photo's in my grow J. you can just see it, I tossed 4-5 of then in the box 4 days ago,


Well-Known Member
This is a fight almost impossible to win. If you are at the point you have webbing you are seriously infested. The only thing to do is shut it all down and clean everything. I would just forget about what you have grown and toss it. No reason to be smoking spider mites or the eggs. Most growers will go through this as its really hard to keep them out of he grow. But you can control them but you have to catch them early. Do some checking on how to identify them and check your next batch every day. not just for mites but its good to check them out througly to avoid the many problems plants can have. Plant need your help to grow into the high quality bud we all love to smell taste and smoke. I wonder what mites taste like....