noobies don't let them tell you MG sucks i got proof(pics) 1st grow ever

The plant looks healthy, just lanky. Its just not doing much. There's actually 4 plants under my 600 MH now and thats one of em.

Im gonna cut it up for clones, not worth flowering. Here's a closer up pic of the 2 plant. The one in FF made it to the flower room today. Anywayz, it is what it is.

man, afore you do that, just cut the biatch down and throw it away. veg ur good plants longer and clone those... or you'll be stuck with a whole crop of stragglers like the one you don't want to flower now.
I hear you and i should, but there mother is awsome. Kinda hoping the clones would still have those genetics but i dont know. That's why i figured i just try it and find out. Think i shouldent bother?
this was the plant that started this thread BTW im using ff tiger bloom for flowering 2-8-4:clap:

new 003.jpg

new 002.jpg

new 001.jpg

thanks for all the replies
miracle grow soil has time release ferts for 3 months. So alot of people fuck up by fertilizing alot not realizing that the soil is also releasing ferts so people start burning there plants. Alot of people that diss miracle grow have no clue what there doing. Im not saying its good but im also saying it doesnt suck. Make sure you mix a bag of (mg) soil with a bag of top soil and perlite and you will be good to go. your plants will thrive. If you fertilize when your using miracle grow soil only give 1/4 strength for the first 3 months.
so you ditched the MG....

my mom uses MG in her garden.... on tomatoes and cucumbers etc... and she gets what old timers would consider crazy good results....well i also have garden and use the same nutes i do on my weed crop, and my tomatoes and the like... grow 3x times the size and taste better.... my first successful outdoor grow i used MG and it worked fine...
miracle grow soil has time release ferts for 3 months. So alot of people fuck up by fertilizing alot not realizing that the soil is also releasing ferts so people start burning there plants. Alot of people that diss miracle grow have no clue what there doing. Im not saying its good but im also saying it doesnt suck. Make sure you mix a bag of (mg) soil with a bag of top soil and perlite and you will be good to go. your plants will thrive. If you fertilize when your using miracle grow soil only give 1/4 strength for the first 3 months.
over watering is a big problem too... the more you water the more fertilizer is released. time release dissolves and your plants are burned and you blame mg
here is my mg grow getting close to, also my first grow and i burned them but i thin i and mg both have a green thumb!! well what is this mg....or me!
here is my mg grow getting close to, also my first grow and i burned them but i thin i and mg both have a green thumb!! well what is this mg....or me!

That's nice looking. Some of those buds look a little heavy for their stems, you might want to give them support for their final days.
That's nice looking. Some of those buds look a little heavy for their stems, you might want to give them support for their final days.
Great i thank you, i started last weekend, first i weighted them down so the light could get to lower bush and moved them and i hope to tie up the rest this weekend!
thanks again!!:-P