Noobs First Grow, Constructive Critizism Welcome


Active Member
I'm going to sound like a total noob right now but... Wow this is fucking awesome! I can't believe how fast they are growing.
Not even a week has passed yet and they are looking nice.

They are still on 24/0 and are about an inch away from my lights which only feel hot to the touch with very little hot air.

Yesterday I tried another little experiment. Ive read in a few places that bird song actually helps the plants increase enzyme activity so before work I listened to an hour of relaxing bird song with on of my PC speakers inside the grow space :)

I've just recently read about 12/12 from seed being a good method for small spaces might give it a go next time and compare the outcome over how long it takes.



Well-Known Member
The only problem I can predict is your plants running out of room when it comes time for them to throw their flowers. They get a lot bigger than you think, each time, believe you me.


Active Member
I thought about trying 12/12 with this grow . Didn't cause I want to see something to compare to. Looking awsome. Look forward to seeing your thread each day almost like visiting a friends room and vise versa.


Active Member
I thought about trying 12/12 with this grow . Didn't cause I want to see something to compare to.
I didn't know that it was possible to grow 12/12 from seed till I read about it the other day. Defiantly considering it for round 2. Should be good comparison.


Active Member
I found out about 12/12 when I was googleing my room size. I have not seen many ppl documenting there 12/12 so thought I would for a second grow. I can even run a side by side put sprouts in with flowering girls.


Active Member
So its one week since the seeds first stretched for the light and now look at them. I'm lost for words.
Another week of veg then flowering I think. Tonight there light will change from 24/0 to 18/6 and tomorrow they will be fed and watered, and if i have time and a spare milk bottle it'll be CO2 time.



Active Member
The only problem I can predict is your plants running out of room when it comes time for them to throw their flowers. They get a lot bigger than you think, each time, believe you me.
My first batch was only 18 inches tall when we harvested. Height can be controlled.


Active Member
Just a quick update, this morning I watered and set up a basic fermentation to feed my plants some CO2.

I used:

  • A 4 pint Milk contiainer
  • Sugar
  • Dried active yeast
  • Warm water
  • Some straws
This is a very simple way of boosting your CO2 levels.


  1. Half fill the container with warm water (not hot & not cold)
  2. Add sugar until no more can be dissolved by the water
  3. Add yeast (I added a tbsp to 2pints of sugar water)
  4. Seal lid
  5. I then punched a couple of holes for straws to direct the CO2



Active Member
Looks good, but 1 question. Which way is the fan blowing? Because you might be better off directing them near the fan, so that the co2 blows onto the plants


Active Member
The fan is blowing towards the plants. Yeah I don't think the straws are in the best location.
From what I remember from school, it is the under side of the leaf that breaths and the top that absorbs light so I think i might try direct the straws to under the leaves.
It still needs some work.


Active Member
Where's the update sam. Need my fix bro. How are they doing? You plants are looking great doing better then mine. Btw they are working on there 4th set of leaves still under 3 in tho.


Active Member
I'll Grab a quick couple of pics in the morning before work.
They are looking good (even if I do say so myself) the Co2 has really perked them up. Before they where looking a little drooping and sad.


Active Member
looking nice, iv got an auto big bang growing. be good to have a look and compare harvests when we're done. think mine is 24 days old now so its only a bit in older than yours. im subbed




Active Member
Day 10 now, think I'm going to start 12/12 on day 14. Not much else to update about.

Just wondering what is the best way to flip the light from veg to flowering? should I do it as a gradual thing or just change straight from 18/6 to 12/12 or should I give them a full 24h of dark to kick them into it?



Active Member
The fan is blowing towards the plants. Yeah I don't think the straws are in the best location.
From what I remember from school, it is the under side of the leaf that breaths and the top that absorbs light so I think i might try direct the straws to under the leaves.
It still needs some work.
what are you gonna use for veg? light wise
lookin good man


Awesome! Can someone please help me out? I've just received my Northern Lights seed and I'm keen to get growing inside. I don't have a large budget, all I need to know is the right lights to use at first, etc?

I've read all the tuts, I just need it explained in a couple of sentences :p