Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's


Well-Known Member
i do sometimes
towards the end of veg
i use small amounts
b1 thrive alive organic
roots 66
and magic-cal
in all the water that touches my plants
so i guess i do feed every water


Active Member
Thanks! I know I've been full of questions here lately, but between what I can get out of yours and stew's and a few other's heads, I'm going to really try to dial in my next grow using what I can learn from you guys.


Well-Known Member
your good bro
if they start showing signs of being hungry feed them :) wait a day or so and if you dont see improvement feed them again
not really necessary to up the dosage can just as easily give them a bland dose more often


Active Member
So, one more question...How long before you harvest, do you do a final flush? And do you do it where you over water the hell out of her, then go back like an hour later, and water until you have a little run off to get rid of any salt that built up during the flush?


Well-Known Member
i just run a gallon through them twice a week or so
last couple of grows i just cut the nutes and watered like normal


Active Member
Awesome. I only asked because I've seen a lot of people say that if you flush, then nothing but water the last couple of times, there's a better taste or less harsh smoke. Didn't know if that was true or not.


New Member
to tekdc911 can i top my auto flower and if so will doin this lengthen the grow cycle reduce yield increase yield ???


Well-Known Member
depends on when you top it
if its before or around preflower it doesnt delay flowering
if you're limited on space this can increase yield from what ive noticed by keeping the plants more uniform
if you have plenty of vertical you're better off with just heavy lst
but i have had lots of luck topping some strains they dont all respond well to it


hey TECDC911 hows it going brother?
plants are doin good i think there about 4-5 inchs tall and the first leaves are starting to get bigger all 6 are healthy one never worked so threw it out!
i came up with a few questions i hope u can answer in detail for me

1. my plants are 4 days old since i put them in soil waanna know when i can start feeding nutrients to it? i have liquad karma if anyones heard of it and you feed it to the plants all the way through even says on the back of the bottle for germination but thats to soon i would think anyone considering seed has enough nutrients to make it first few weeks. i also know not to start at full doseages and gradually work ure way up i know all that but i wanna know how long after ure seed sprouts can u start giving nutrients to the plant and additives. cause i also have biotanical pro grow and biotanical pro bloom and i would like to know when i should start the liquad karma and veg nutrients.?? Also say you do start feeding both nutrients can you mix them in the same water ure about to feed the plant or do you have to do it seperatly? and do u check ph after adding nutrients to the water?
2. how do you know if your plant is thirsty for water or nutrients ??
3. whats the perfect ph level for seedlings, veg, and flower? or is it all the same range?
4. can you use nutrients in every feed in veg and in flower or no? and how often do you flush plants? and flushin plants doesnt kill the plant?
5. and i have my 6 autos in 12'' by 12'' by 12'' pots im not sure how many gallons that is but it aint much 2 tops! can you transplant autos safely???and how? have you ever done it??
6. where can you buy a ppm reader? and whats good ppm and whats bad??

i know i always have alot of questions brother but i truely appreciate it! your really helpin me learn stuff cause all the research on the net contridicts it self so much its good to talk to someone who knows what the fuck hes doin thanks again brother please incite me as soon as possible on ure experteze thanks again brother!!!!

ps: post pics tommrow for u to see how there doin at day 5! thanks bro


Well-Known Member
1. 2-3 weeks / preflower is a good time to start feeds
2. if theyre thirsty they go limp/droopy
if leaves are tight/springy and curled down its over watered
the plant talks to you is how you can tell its hungry yellowing leaves ,spots, this is something that you really have to learn for yourself find some good nutrient deficiency charts and figure out what nutrients are needed when
3. ph ? anywhere between 6 and 7 shoot for 6.5 ( ph to 5.5 in hydro) 6.5 in veg and 6.8 in flower if i remember correctly dont quote me
but im positive most people shoot for right around 6.5
4. if you're feeding small doses or like kelp or calmag , or organics you can feed bland doses with every water
be cautious of salt build ups though
i usually give a mini flush or two if i have been feeding heavy
doesnt kill the plant if it dries out soon enough , but is hard on the soil and leeches all the goodies out
5. 1 cubic foot of soil is is over 5 gals of soil according to this 12''x12''x12'' is a cubic foot right ? stoned ;)
6. if your going soil there isnt much need for a ppm reader
but its your grow bud
ebay has a good selection
but i think HTG has a good one just remember you get what you pay for
im the wrong guy to ask about ph
when i was running ph
dwc bucket / bubbleponics were barely showing up for sale


thanks for the helpful info brother truely appreciate it. can you put more than one nutrient in a jug and mix it with water for the feeding or do you have to make seperate jugs for each nutrient and additives


Well-Known Member
i had a brain fart just now
N P K are needed in higher amounts
than the micro nutes


kk sounds good thanks brother when does it change from seedling stage to veg stage how many weeks in?


Well-Known Member
you can mix them
just wanted to clarify
i just noticed you said "can't"
2-3 weeks
3-5 nodes
its all about the same time
just different strokes for different folks ya know ?


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I'm just wondering if Fox Farms Ocean Forest is too nutrienized for my seeds. I normally do clones from the local dispensary and it does them great. I ordered Biodiesel Mass (Autos) from attitude this time and have them germinating now. its been about thirty hours and they haven't cracked but I think their swollen with the H2o at least. I have them in the wet tissue saucer plate method and it got pretty cold in my room last night about 50 F. I hope that didn't affect them too much or at all. anyways ill be putting the seedlings in solo cups under my 400W Metal Halide, think this is too much intensity right off the bat? Thanks for any input